Promoting physical activity in kids.

PositionGift Giving - Brief article

Adults planning to give gifts this year to promote physical activity in children should be sure to set aside their time as well, indicates a childhood fitness specialist and lecturer from the Power Over Pounds program, Lafayette, Ind. "If parents are directly involved in the activity--sledding, bicycling, or in-line skating--then parents will know if the activity or game is age-appropriate," notes Carole DeHaven.

"This time together also is an opportunity for adults to demonstrate how to use the new toy and address any safety concerns. Safety should always be first when promoting an active lifestyle for children."

Research shows that obese children tend to become obese adults and that kids model adult behavior. So, when grownups are active, it is more likely the child will be, too. "When adults give themselves as part of the gift it encourages the child to participate in the activity," confirms DeHaven. "Don't just give a child in-line skates or a sled, but schedule a specific time when you can skate, sled, or walk with the child."

DeHaven has some gift ideas that inspire activity. They include:

* Bicycle, sled, and ice or in-line skates. Be sure to provide the necessary safety gear.

* A variety of community resources. For example, give a coupon to meet a child every Tuesday for a walk in the...

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