Program sponsors.

ARMA would like to thank the following companies for their support and sponsorships:

Advanced Records Management Services (ARMS)

* Boston Local Committee attire


* Grand Prize Giveaway for the ISG Reception

* $300 Gilt Certificate for Barnes & Noble


* Expandable file, pen, and note pad for Preconference Legal seminars


* Awards event program brochure

Commonwealth Films Inc.

* VCR and monitor for the ARMA Bookstore

Eastman Kodak Co.

* Conference handout booklet (inside front cover)

Hummingbird Ltd. Cyber Stations

* Cyber Stations


* Conference proceedings on CD-ROM and white paper

Information Network International

* ARMA's Annual Membership Campaign for 2003-2004

Iron Mountain

* The Iron Mountain/ARMA International Award for Excellence

* Welcome Party

* Conference Materials Storage and Stuffing Party Host

* Notepads

Jalema Filing Systems

* Jalema clip

Key Products

* Envelopes for registration packets


* Folder with ARMA 2003 logo

* Relaxation Station co-sponsor

Optika Inc. (formerly Select Technologies Inc.)

* Bottled water

Paige Co., The

* Relaxation Station co-sponsor

Recall--Total Information Management

* Boston Local Committee attire

* Lanyards

Smead Manufacturing Co.

* Conference signage

* Shipping boxes

TOWER Software

* Saturday's International Day Attendee Reception

Zasio Enterprises Inc.

* Conference brief bags

* Luggage Lags

While you're in boston

October 1-31

Haunted Happenings in Salem--Exciting events in Salem, Mass., located north of Boston, include witch trails, costume contests, parade, haunted houses, and candlelight tours.


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