Professors' Performance Using ICT in a College in Guadalajara, Mexico.

AuthorDuran-Hernandez, Araceli


Throughout history, society has changed with the development of different improved technologies (Cabero, Lorente, & Roman, 2007). There is a large body of research which discusses the pros and cons of using different information technologies and communication (ICT) in the field of education. Some authors mention that using ICT determines the didactic potential of professors (Tejedor, Garcia-Valcarcel, & Prada, 2009).


Information technology and communication are considered technology tools and are used as resources to communicate, create, disseminate, and manage information. Communication and information are at the heart of the educational process; consequently, the use of ICT in the education has a long history (Blurton, 1999).

In the last years, interest has emerged about how computers and the Internet can be harnessed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels and in formal and informal stages (Tinio, 2003).

For some, the use of technology in education has become a problem, especially when it is sold in "instructional package (program/software) and not in construction projects through change and solidarity. Individualizing trends on NICT makes difficult community use. Information is not knowledge, and less, wisdom, technological transmission not resolve by themself inherent difficulties at knowledge process not guarantee formation of citizen" (Sanz, 2006).

After reviewing all the definitions given by experts, we determine that through the use of various strategies there is increased interest in using ICT, which improves the competitiveness of professors at a College in Guadalajara.


Most countries in the world in higher education have adopted ICT. However, the use of ICT to increase access and achieve a more inclusive education, improve pedagogy, and increase both the number of teachers and their capacity, remains weak.

ICT should reach people of all ages, all linguistic and cultural groups, and in all circumstances. The focus should be primarily on teachers, in the broadest sense; that is, all the people who can facilitate and expand learning opportunities for all.

Because of current barriers, according to Segura (2011), the use of ICT in the educational landscape advances slowly, especially in countries with few resources. As such, a new educational landscape is emerging that schematically is characterized by:

* The need for continuous updating of knowledge, skills, and approaches (learning throughout life).

* The most important domain of cognitive and metacognitive processes and strategies against the content (learning to learn).

* The concept of literacy that has changed and expanded to new areas, such as mediated communication, multimedia network, or new screens. Literacy is now recognized as a complex and evolving concept in time; as a process of...

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