Accountants, architects, engineers, marketers and others handle the nitty-gritty work that makes the business world fly. This section spotlights key leaders of many industries who work for North Carolina-based companies and international powerhouses. One obvious trend: More leaders with multistate responsibilities are choosing North Carolina as their base.


president, chief creative officer | Wray Ward


Appleby joined the advertising agency in 1993, took on her current roles in 2001 and is now majority owner leading nearly 150 colleagues. She's a past board chair of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and the city's Arts & Science Council and serves on the executive committee of the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance.

Pre-workday motivation: A brisk walk or workout, at least three cups of coffee and knowing how lucky I am to be doing what I love every day with incredibly talented people.

Key to industry success: Creativity. More than ever, brands need to find creative and engaging ways to differentiate themselves, stand out and win hearts and minds.

Best advice: My father taught me through his actions the importance of getting involved in and giving back to the community. It enriched my life in so many ways including personal growth and building strong and lasting relationships.

Three people to share a meal: Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey and Mick Sagger.

Proud family accomplishment: My husband made an ultimate sacrifice 22 years ago, stepping away from his career to be a stay-at-home dad. His presence, love and involvement in our daughters' academic and sports activities have had a remarkable effect on the bright young women they are today. It also allowed me to focus on my career and business.

Favorite hobby: Cheering on my daughters as they played competitive and collegiate soccer and field hockey.

Where to entertain a visitor: An arts or a sporting event uptown, a walk on Queens Road West or up to our cottage on Lake Norman for a day on the water.


managing director | Accenture


The UNC Chapel Hill graduate leads the 500-plus employee Raleigh office for the Ireland-based information-technology and consulting business, where she's worked since 1998. She leads the company's state of North Carolina account and is vice chair of NC TECH's board of directors.


executive vice president, enterprise growth operations | Parsons


Beach joined the Centerville, Va.-based company in 2008 and worked in Saudi Arabia before moving to Charlotte in 2015. The unit he leads is focused on security, defense and infrastructure engineering.

He has degrees from Boston University and the University of Colorado.


Managing principal | BB+M


With degrees from N.C. State University and UNC Charlotte, Beacham leads an architectural group with partners Brian Bunce and Roger Manley that employs more than 70. Beacham joined in 2005 after working for Jenkins-Peer Architects.

Pre-workday motivation: Coffee. Then of course the amazing responsibility we have to deliver for our clients every day. That sounds hokey, but it is instant adrenaline.

Key to industry success: Don't take yourself too seriously and just go kick ass for your clients every day. Build a team around that idea and the rest takes care of itself. Sounds simplistic, but I am amazed at how it seems to set us apart.

Best advice: Check your ego at the door.

Three people to share a meal: Leonardo da Vinci. Anthony Bourdain and Keith Richards.

Proud family accomplishment: I have twin 17-year-olds that will still talk to me. And a wife that generally will.

Favorite hobby: Traveling with my family along with making and eating great food.

Where to entertain a visitor: The Crunkleton--Old Fashioned, oysters and maybe the tomahawk.


principal | CJMW Architecture


Calloway and his team are responsible for many Twin City-area developments including Center City West, BB&T Park and Liberty Plaza. He's also designed various college buildings across the state. The N.C. State University graduate has been with the architecture group since 1971.


chair, founding partner | Cline Design


The architecture firm's leader changed roles in February, naming longtime colleague Michael Mesnard as managing partner. Formed in 1989, the business...

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