Products that are oh-so smart.

PositionWHAT'S NEW?

Smart products no longer are the wave of the future; they are the wave of now--and certainly are not limited to smart phones and multi-million dollar homes. Everyday products, from slow cookers and weight management scales to blankets and heaters have received a Ph.D., and consumers are embracing the trend wholeheartedly. To meet demand, top brands--such as Crock-Pot, Health-o-Meter, Bionaire, and Sunbeam--continue to invest mega-money to develop and market smart products designed to anticipate consumer needs and simplify every aspect of their lives, whether cooking, working, relaxing, or breathing.

New smart products from these brands are detailed below:

Crock-Pot Slow Cooker with Smart Cook Technology ($129.99). This device knows what time it is. Featuring an innovative "Ready At" setting, this slow cooker can be told exactly when it should have a meal ready. Consumers simply select the base protein they are cooking and then choose what time they would like the meal to be ready. The appliance adjusts its power as necessary to deliver the meal on time. This slow cooker also allows you to slow cook the traditional way via its manual mode with low, high, and keep-warm settings. Available exclusively on

Lose It! Health-O-Meter Wi-Fi Scale ($99.99). Weight management has gone WiFi, and connects health-conscious individuals to 3,000,000 people who share common health goals and a desire to stay on track. Once connected to a WiFi network, this scale automatically uploads weight and body composition information to the weight loss program, Lose It!, just by stepping on the scale. The scale tracks weight, body fat...

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