Procedure for Public Hearings



• Advance planning is essential.

• Prepare a news release in advance for the press.

• Have a dry run beforehand. Try to anticipate questions from the public.

• Secretary should read the notice of hearing and proof of publication.

• The chairman then reads the procedure:

1. This is a public hearing on the Board’s adoption of the resolution read by the secretary. Please come forward and state your name and address. Please state as simply as possible your thoughts about this resolution. This is not a question and answer session. This is a public hearing designed to solicit comments from the public about this resolution. Please do not expect the Board to answer any questions about the resolution, as this is the time for the public to inform the Board of Fire Commissioners about their opinions about this resolution. The ultimate decision lies with the Board of Fire Commissioners. The decision of this Board will take into account the help and advice of the constituents of the __________________ Fire District. Because of the number of speakers, the Board of Fire Commissioners has implemented a three-minute rule. Please attempt to abide by this rule.”

• Chairman or a representative explains the resolution. This can be a way to inform the Board of the issue which is the subject of the public hearing and for the Board’s consideration.

• Presentation of the Power Point program or handouts.

• Request speakers from the floor.

• Again state:

2. “Anyone choosing to speak should address his or her remarks to the Board of Fire Commissioners. No one may speak a second time until everyone who wishes to speak has spoken.”

• If asked a question, the chair should respond:


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