A Primer on Moderated Mediation Analysis: Exploring Logistics Involvement in New Product Development

AuthorHanieh Sardashti,Roger Calantone,Joyce (Feng) Wang,Jason W. Miller,Judith M. Whipple
Published date01 September 2017
Date01 September 2017
A Primer on Moderated Mediation Analysis: Exploring Logistics
Involvement in New Product Development
Roger Calantone, Judith M. Whipple, Joyce (Feng) Wang, Hanieh Sardashti, and
Jason W. Miller
Michigan State University Broad College of Business
Theorizing and empirically testing moderated mediation hypotheses allows logistics and supply chain management (L&SCM) scholars to
extend the boundaries of our current understanding by examining how, when, and why relationships arise between constructs central to
our theories. However, while moderated mediation analyses can enrich theory in L&SCM, they are few in number, likely due to the complexi-
ties associated with their execution. In this article, we provide a didactic treatment for executing moderated mediation analysis. We do so using
primary data regarding logistics involvement in new product development. In the hopes of spurring greater application of moderated mediation
in L&SCM, we devise a series of recommendations that guide scholars through the process of conducting such analyses. These recommenda-
tions extend prior treatments by explaining how to address challenges associated with devising theories to undergird moderated mediation
hypotheses, measuring constructs using multiple indicators, providing guidance for detecting inuential cases that can unduly affect results, and
integrating what results should be reported.
Keywords: structural equation modeling; moderation; mediation; moderated mediation; simultaneous equations
Logistics and supply chain management (L&SCM) scholars
increasingly test mediation hypotheses in an effort to understand
the processes through which relationships arise in experimental
and observational settings (Malhotra et al. 2014; Rungtusanatham
et al. 2014). One type of mediation hypothesis garnering
increased attention is moderated mediation that examines how
the indirect effect of a focal predictor on an outcome variable,
through one or more mediators, is contingent on one or more
moderators (Edwards and Lambert 2007; Preacher et al. 2007).
For example, Peinkofer et al. (2015) examine how the indirect
effect of inventory availability level on satisfaction through
expected customer competition was contingent on sales prone-
ness and a measure of item stock availability. Testing moderated
mediation hypotheses provides one way for scholars to push the
boundaries of L&SCM knowledge by probing both the processes
through which relationships arise (Rungtusanatham et al. 2014)
and, simultaneously, examining the boundary conditions of these
processes (Malhotra et al. 2014).
One of the central challenges L&SCM scholars face with testing
moderated mediation hypotheses is that existing didactic treat-
ments (1) rely on automated procedures, such as the PROCESS
macro (Hayes 2013), that limit the types of models that can be
tested; and (2) present moderated mediation in a cursory manner
(Malhotra et al. 2014). Furthermore, existing presentations, such
as Preacher et al.s (2007) seminal work, do not provide a unied
treatment of various moderated mediation models and, instead,
utilize different research settings as contexts for these distinct mod-
els, making comparisons across the models more difcult to assess.
Extant works also give little guidance for conducting these analy-
ses when measuring constructs using multiple indicators. For
example, if constructs are reective and measured by multiple
items, should observed measures be created by averaging indica-
tors, calculating factor scores, or applying nonlinear structural
equation modeling techniques to calculate moderation effects at
the latent variable level? Similarly, how should formative con-
structs be used? Last, the moderated mediation literature has given
little heed to how scholars should investigate the presence of
inuential cases that may unduly affect results. This issue is parti-
cularly important given that interaction effects, which are central
to moderated mediation analysis, can be sensitive to inuential
cases (Cohen et al. 2003). Apart from these statistical issues, the
extant literature gives limited coverage for devising theoretical
explanations for moderated mediation hypotheses.
This article seeks to provide an accessible treatment of moder-
ated mediation analyses to address these issues. This paper begins
with a brief presentation of mediation and moderation from both a
theoretical and statistical standpoint to provide a springboard for
discussing moderated mediation. Focus then shifts to explaining
the data that we utilize to execute moderated mediation analyses.
Our analyses follow, with emphasis placed on offering a system-
atic procedure for conducting such analyses. We conclude with a
summary of how to report the results of these analyses and offer
additional suggestions for how to best utilize moderated mediation
models to advance knowledge in L&SCM.
Mediation concerns how a focal predictor (X) affects an
ultimate outcome variable (Y) through one or more
Corresponding author:
Judith M. Whipple, Supply Chain Management Department, Michi-
gan State University, Broad College of Business, 325 N Business
College Complex, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA;
E-mail: whipple@broad.msu.edu
All co-authors contributed substantially to this project. Many pages
of writing were left on the edit room oor. The order of authors is
the order they joined the project.
Journal of Business Logistics, 2017, 38(3): 151169 doi: 10.1111/jbl.12166
© Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
) (Preacher and Hayes 2004). To draw con-
clusions regarding the presence or absence of a specic media-
tion processes (i.e., the indirect effect of Xon Ythrough a
specic mediator), scholars should test whether the indirect effect
of Xon Ythrough the mediator in question differs from zero
(Zhao et al. 2010). A quintessential example of a mediation pro-
cess in L&SCM research concerns understanding how logistics
service quality (X) affects customer loyalty (Y) through customer
satisfaction (M) (Stank et al. 1999; Davis-Sramek et al. 2008).
Considering these three constructs (i.e., excluding control vari-
ables), the following system of linear equations
can test this
mediation hypothesis:
As explained by Hayes and Preacher (2010), in the case of a sin-
gle mediator model,
the indirect effect of Xon Yis the product of
the rst partial derivative of Mwith respect to XðoM=oXÞand the
rst partial derivative of Ywith respect to MðoY=oMÞ. In this
example, the indirect effect of Xon Ythrough M, denoted as h
. While the point estimate of h
is easily calculated and the
standard error of h
is obtainable through the multivariate delta
method (Bollen 1987), methodologists strongly recommend
against using a Z-test [a.k.a. the Sobel (1982) test] to draw conclu-
sions about the signicance of an indirect effect (Preacher and
Hayes 2004). The reason is that the sampling distribution of the
product of two normally distributed random variables is non-
normal, meaning that the sampling distribution of h
will inher-
ently be non normal (Preacher and Hayes 2008). Instead, scholars
have recommended that the statistical signicance of an indirect
effect be determined through one of four approaches:
(1) MacKin-
non et al.s (2007) distribution of product methods; (2) Monte
Carlo simulation (Preacher and Selig 2012); (3) Bayesian
estimation (Yuan and MacKinnon 2009); or (4) bootstrap resam-
pling (Preacher and Hayes 2004, 2008). Preacher (2015) notes that
simulation research by Hayes and Scharkow (2013) suggests these
four methods display a high level of agreement and, thus, choice
of method is unlikely to affect conclusions. The discussion that h
has a non normal sampling distribution is important because it will
affect our statistical signicance testing of the indirect effects in
the context of moderated mediation.
Moderation occurs when the strength and/or direction of the rela-
tionship between a focal predictor (X) and an outcome variable (Y)
is conditional on the value of one or more moderators (W,Z, etc.)
(Aiken and West 1991). The majority of moderation hypotheses
concern simple two-way interactions, which examine how the
effect of Xon Yvaries across levels of a single W(Goldsby et al.
2013). Richey et al.s (2004) theorizing that the Reverse Logistics
Program Introduction Timing (X)onEconomic Performance (Y)
would vary across levels of Resource Commitment (W) represents
a simple two-way interaction. Scholars can also test multiple two-
way interactions simultaneously
as done by Miller et al. (2013)
who examine how the effect of Technology Control (X)onOpera-
tional Performance (Y) varied across levels of Activity Control (W)
and Process Control (Z). Even greater complexity exists with
three-way interactions, which occur when the simple slope of the X
across the range of a primary moderator (W) varies across the level
of a secondary moderator (Z) (Hayes and Matthes 2009). It is rec-
ommended that scholars test moderation hypotheses by including a
multiplicative term(s) between the focal predictor and the modera-
tor(s) in generalized linear models (e.g., OLS regression) (Aiken
and West 1991) or nonlinear structural equation models
et al. 2011). For example, returning the aforementioned study by
Richey et al. (2004), the linear model for the interaction between
Reverse Logistics Program Introduction Timing (X) and Resource
Commitment (W)onEconomic Performance (Y) is:
Y¼c0þc1Xþc2Wþc3XW þeMð3Þ
Following rules for statistical models (Seber and Wild 1989), the
effect of Xon Yin Equation ( 3)is the rst partial derivative of Ywith
respect to X, which we denote as φ
W. This indicates that
the effect ofXon Yvaries as a function of W(A iken and West 1991)
and, moreover, c
is not a main effect,but rather represents the
expected change in Ydue to a one-unit change in Xwhen Wis at zero
(Spiller et al. 2013). Given that moderation effects are often dif cult
to interpret, Aiken and West (1991) encourage the graphical presen-
tation of model-implied effects and the testing of the statistical
It is important to note that mediators are distinct from theoret-
ical mechanisms offered as explanations for why constructs are
related (Astbury and Leeuw 2010). Thus, mediators should not
be confused with theoretical mechanisms. We will return to this
point later in the article.
For presentation purposes, we assume that these linear equa-
tions have identity link functions and the residuals are approxi-
mately normal (i.e., standard assumptions for ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression or tting covariance structure models
using normal theory maximum-likelihood [ML] estimation).
These assumptions are not required, as mediation can be tested
by combining linear equations that have different link functions
(e.g., logit) and different residual distributions (e.g., gamma or
exponential) (MacKinnon 2008).
When multiple mediators are present, the following discussion
applies to the estimation of a specic indirect effect (Preacher
and Hayes 2008). For more details regarding multiple mediation
models, we refer readers to Rungtusanatham et al. (2014).
Rungtusanatham et al. (2014) provide an overview of these
This approach is most tenable when the moderators and the
focal predictor have limited correlation. In instances of high cor-
relation, it may be more fruitful to test each two-way interaction
separately and include the linear term for each moderator as a
control variable.
Creating interactions between continuous latent variables mea-
sured via multiple indicators involves greater complexity. See
Miller et al. (2013) and Saldanha et al. (2014) for L&SCM
applications of these techniques.
152 R. Calantone et al.

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