Pricing Standardized Mortality Securitizations: A Two‐Population Model With Transitory Jump Effects

AuthorRui Zhou,Ken Seng Tan,Johnny Siu‐Hang Li
Date01 September 2013
Published date01 September 2013
©The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2013, Vol.80, No. 3, 733–774
DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6975.2013.12015.x
Pricing Standardized Mortality Securitizations:
A Two-Population Model With Transitory Jump
Rui Zhou
Johnny Siu-Hang Li
Ken Seng Tan
Mortality dynamics are subject to jumps that are due to events such as
wars and pandemics. Such jumps can have a significant impact on prices
of securities that are designed for hedging catastrophic mortality risk, and
therefore should be taken into account in modeling. Although several single-
population mortality models with jump effects have been developed, they
are not adequate for modeling trades in which the hedger’s population is dif-
ferent from the population associated with the security being traded. In this
article, we first develop a two-population mortality model with transitory
jump effects, and then we use the proposed model and an economic-pricing
framework to examine how mortality jumps may affect the supply and de-
mand of mortality-linked securities.
The trading of mortality risk often involves two populations: one that is associated
with the hedger’s portfolio and another that is associated with the hedging instrument.
Taking the mortality bond issued by Swiss Re in December 2003 as an example, the
bond is linked to a broad population mortality index; however, the exposure of the
hedger (Swiss Re) is associated with some insured lives. To adequately model trades
involving more than one population, a multipopulation mortality model is necessary.
Multipopulation mortality models consider the potential correlations across different
populations; more importantly, they are structured in such a way that the resulting
Rui Zhou is an Assistant Professor at Warren Centre for Actuarial Studies and Research, Uni-
versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Johnny Siu-Hang Li holds the Fairfax Chair
in Risk Management in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University
of Waterloo, Canada. Ken Seng Tan is a University Research Chair Professor in the Depart-
ment of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, Canada. The authors can be
contacted via e-mail:,, and
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Natural Science and Engineering Re-
search Council of Canada. The authors would also like to thank Professor Andrew Cairns and
other participants at the Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions
Conference for their stimulating discussions on an earlier version of this article.
734 The Journal of Risk and Insurance
forecasts arebiologically reasonable. Specifically, the models ensurethat the forecasted
life expectancies of two related populations do not diverge over the long run. Beyond
pricing, multipopulation mortality models enable the evaluation of population basis
risk, which arises from the difference in mortality experience between the hedger’s
population and the population associated with the hedging instrument.
In recent years, a few two-population stochastic mortality models have been pro-
posed. Carter and Lee (1992) propose the joint-kmodel, which assumes that mortality
dynamics for the two populations being modeled are driven by the same time-varying
factor. Li and Lee (2005) and Li and Hardy (2011) propose the augmented common
factor model and the cointegrated Lee–Carter model, respectively. These two models
generalize the joint-kmodel to permit short-term deviations from the common time-
varying factor. Dowd et al. (2011) develop a gravity mortality model for two-related
but different sized populations. A similar model is also proposedby Jarner and Kryger
(2011). Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, and Khalaf-Allah (2011) introduce a general
framework for two-population mortality modeling. The framework specifies the con-
ditions under which a two-population mortality model will not result in diverging
long-term forecasts.
Toour knowledge, none of the existing two-population mortality models incorporates
jumps that are due to interruptive events such as the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918. It
is important not to ignore mortality jumps in modeling, because otherwise we may
inaccurately estimate the uncertainty surrounding a central mortality projection. The
incorporation of jumps is particularly important when pricing securities for hedging
extreme mortality risk, because this allows us to better estimate the probability of
catastrophic mortality deterioration. In this article, we fill this gap in the literature
by developing a two-population mortality model with transitory jump effects. The
proposed model is primarily based on the two-population Lee–Carter model, which
is discussed in Cairns, Blake, Dowd, Coughlan, and Khalaf-Allah (2011)1and subse-
quently used by Zhou, Li, and Tan (2011) for pricing longevity securities.
Although a two-population version has yet to be developed, various single-
population mortality models with jump effects have been proposed and widely ap-
plied. In a continuous-time setting, such models are developed by Biffis (2005), Cox,
Lin, and Wang (2006), and Deng, Brockett, and MacMinn (2012), and in a discrete-
time setting, such models are proposed by Chen and Cox (2009) and Cox, Lin, and
Pedersen (2010). These models differ in the types of mortality jumps they model. For
instance, the model in Cox, Lin, and Wang is used for modeling permanent mortality
jumps, whereas the model in Chen and Cox (2009) is used for modeling transitory
mortality jumps. They also differ in the way in which severities of jumps are mod-
eled. For example, Deng, Brockett, and MacMinn consider double-exponential jumps,
while Chen and Cox consider Gaussian jumps.
1The two-population Lee–Carter model is discussed in an earlier version of Cairns, Blake,
Dowd, Coughlan, and Khalaf-Allah, (2011). This version is available at
Pricing Standardized Mortality Securitizations 735
The model we propose can be regarded as a two-population generalization of the
model in Chen and Cox (2009). In particular, we assume that in each year, the mor-
tality of a population is either jump-free or subject to one transitory mortality jump,
and that the severity of a mortality jump is normally distributed. This generalization
is not straightforward, partly because the correlations between jump times and jump
severities of the two populations in question have to be carefully modeled, and partly
because when constructing the likelihood function upon which parameter estimation
is based, a careful conditioning on the jump counts is required. Relative to a single-
population version, our proposed model is more suitable for modeling trades involv-
ing more than one population. Moreover,by allowing the populations being modeled
to be subject to different (but correlated) mortality jumps, our model may more accu-
rately estimate the population basis risk involved in index-based mortality hedges.
Another objective of this article is to examine the impact of mortality jumps on the
trading of mortality risk. Toachieve this goal, we consider the economic-pricing frame-
work proposed by Zhou, Li, and Tan (2011, Forthcoming). This pricing framework
models the trade of a mortality-linked security between two counterparties, whose
portfolios can be related to different populations. Besides the estimated price, this
pricing framework provides a pair of demand and supply curves, which explain the
effect of introducing mortality jumps on the behaviors of the counterparties. We use
the proposed model and the economic pricing framework to value a mortality bond
that is similar to the one issued by Swiss Re in 2003. The bond’s principal is eroded
when future mortality exceeds a prespecifiedattachment point. Given the payoff struc-
ture, it is natural to assume that the incorporation of mortality jumps will increase the
chance of principal erosion and consequently imply a lower bond price (or equiva-
lently a higher risk premium). However,we find that the inclusion of mortality jumps
may affect the estimated price of a mortality securitization in different directions,
depending on how the security is structured.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In the second section, we de-
scribe the data used in illustrations. In the third section, we present a two-population
Lee–Carter model on which our proposed extension is based. In the fourth section, we
present a basic bivariate stochastic process for modeling the time-varying factors in
the two-population Lee–Carter model. In the fifth section, we incorporate transitory
jump effects into the basic bivariate stochastic process. In the sixth section, we examine
how the inclusion of mortality jumps may affect the trading of mortality-linked secu-
rities. In the seventh section, we discuss how the choice of parameter constraints, the
specification of the correlation structure, and the uncertainty surrounding the model
parameter estimates may affect pricing and forecasting results. Finally, we conclude
the article in the eighth section.
Mortality Data
All illustrations in this article are based on historical mortality data from Swedish
and Finnish male populations. For both populations, we consider a sample period of
1900–2006 and a sample age range of 25–84. The required data (death and exposure
counts) are obtained from the Human Mortality Database (2011).

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