Pricing executive stock options with averaging features under the Heston–Nandi GARCH model

AuthorXingchun Wang,Zhiwei Su
Published date01 September 2019
Date01 September 2019
J Futures Markets. 2019;
© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Received: 19 April 2018
Revised: 29 May 2019
Accepted: 29 May 2019
DOI: 10.1002/fut.22036
Pricing executive stock options with averaging features
under the HestonNandi GARCH model
Zhiwei Su
Xingchun Wang
PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China
School of International Trade and
Economics, University of International
Business and Economics, Beijing, China
Xingchun Wang, School of International
Trade and Economics, University of
International Business and Economics,
Qiuzhen Building, 100029 Beijing, China.
Funding information
University of International Business and
Economics, Grant/Award Number:
CXTD901; China Scholarship Council,
Grant/Award Number: 201806645036;
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, Grant/Award Numbers: 11671084,
In this paper, we focus on the pricing issue of four types of executive stock options
(ESOs) in the HestonNandi generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedas-
ticity option pricing model. Based on the derived benchmark strike prices in the
proposed framework, we obtain the closedform pricing formulae for four types of
ESOs. In the numerical part, we investigate the sensitivity and cost efficiency of
ESOs and suggest that systematic risk (stock β) and the fraction of wealth invested
in restricted stock could impede the cost efficiency of ESOs.
Asian options, executive stock options, GARCH models, indexed options
G13, G30, J33, M52
Executive stock options (ESOs) are typically granted by corporations worldwide to link their executivespayments to
the stock performance in hope of better aligning the interest of executives with that of shareholders and alleviating the
principalagent problem (see, e.g., Haugen & Senbet, 1981; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). However, many studies provide
empirical evidence that the abnormal stock returns are negative before unscheduled ESO awards and positive afterward
(see, e.g., Chauvin & Shenoy, 2001; Lie, 2005). Heron and Lie (2007) conclude that most of the abnormal return pattern
around option grants is attributable to backdating of option grant dates, by exploiting the changes in the reporting
requirements for ESO grants. In addition, in some cases, executives are rewarded abundantly due to market movements
instead of their own efforts (see, e.g., Garvey & Milbourn, 2003). Indexed Asian ESOs (AESOs) may be more effective
than the traditional ones (see, e.g., Tian, 2013). In this paper, we consider ESOs with averaging features or indexing
features or both in the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) framework and provide
closedform pricing formulae of four types of ESOs, based on the derived explicit benchmark strike prices.
ESOs have been studied heavily in the existing literature. Meulbroek (2001) brings forward the portfolio concerns
when assessing the cost efficiency of ESOs. Exploiting a GARCH framework, Duan and Wei (2005) take a different
perspective by breaking down the total risk into idiosyncratic and systematic components and demonstrate that option
values depend on the amount of systematic risk. Chong, Ding, and Li (2015) investigate ESOs in the stochastic volatility
framework using the adjusted binary tree model. Under a principalagent framework, Hall and Murphy (2000) and Hall
and Murphy (2002) acknowledge the gap between option costs and subjective values of a nontradable option. Dittmann,
Maug, and Spalt (2010) and Dittmann, Maug, and Spalt (2013) further investigate the optimal compensating structure
for the executives and conclude that existing option compensating schemes are not of the best arrangement.
ESOs are commonly used by corporations and are proclaimed to align the interest of executives with that of
shareholders. However, Tian (2004) shows that the incentive to increase stock price does not always increase as more
options are granted, based on a utilitymaximization framework. In addition, the author finds that granting options to
executives creates incentives to reduce idiosyncratic risk but creates incentives to increase systematic risk, and the
combined risk incentive can be either positive or negative, which depends on the characteristics of the firm and the
executives. Ross (2010) also shows that granting options to executives does not necessarily make them more willing to
take risks. Further, the author finds necessary and sufficient conditions under which incentive schedules make
executives more or less risk averse. Chaigneau (2013) argues that the regulator should set compensation to provide first
best incentives. In static models, the literature states that the structure of managerial compensation matters for risk
taking (see, e.g., Dittmann & Maug, 2007). By taking into account the fact that risk taking can be adjusted dynamically
over time, Leisen (2015a) studies dynamic risk taking by a riskaverse manager for a given bonus scheme, and motivates
a power bonus scheme that incentivizes the manager to implement the socially optimal risk level. Leisen (2015b)
studies continuoustime risk taking of an expected utility maximizer under bonus schemes without/with deferral, and
extends the singleperiod analysis in Ross (2010) to a continuoustime analysis.
To reduce excessive compensation, the indexing scheme has been proposed in the literature. Namely, the indexed
option pays off only if the firms stock price exceeds a specified benchmark strike price. Johnson and Tian (2000) design
a Europeanstyle ESO with a benchmark strike price and derive the pricing formulae in the BlackScholes model.
Jørgensen (2001) extends the framework in Johnson and Tian (2000) and allows for the early exercise feature to price
Americanstyle indexed ESOs (IESOs). However, Garvey and Milbourn (2003) provide evidence that IESOs are less cost
effective than vanilla ESOs due to asymmetric benchmarking in compensation. Concretely, the executives pay is
benchmarked more often when the market is down than when the market is up, indicating that such an indexing
scheme does not achieve its intended purpose. In a recent paper, employing a principalagent analysis, Tian (2013)
incorporates the averaging feature in the payoff structure of ESOs in the BlackScholes model, and considers both the
cost and incentive efficiency of AESOs.
In this paper, we consider ESOs with averaging features or indexing features or both in the GARCH framework. The
discretetime GARCH models (see, e.g., Bollerslev, 1986; Byun, Jeon, Min, & Yoon, 2015; Chiang & Huang, 2011; Duan
& Wei, 2005; Heston & Nandi, 2000; Ritchken & Trevor, 1999) can capture the volatility clustering and leverage effects.
Moreover, as noted by Duan (1997) and Nelson (1990), the continuoustime stochastic volatility models of Heston and
Nadi (2000), Hull and White (1987), and Scott (1987) can in fact be approximated by GARCH processes.
In this paper, following Heston and Nandi (2000) Duan and Wei (2005), we adopt the GARCH processes to describe
the market index and stock price dynamics. Following , we break down the underlying price risk into systematic and
idiosyncratic parts, allowing us to better investigate the effects of systematic risk.
However, different from Duan and
Wei (2005), we do not assume the onefactor model for the stochastic discount factor, and do not use the benchmark
strike price derived in the BlackScholes model. Instead, we derive the corresponding benchmark strike price in the
proposed GARCH framework. Additionally, motivated by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), we adopt the βto
represent the underlying assets sensitivity to systematic risk. Tzang et al. (2016) work under a similar CAPMGARCH
model to study the impact of systematic risk on volatility skew, under the assumption that unsystematic risks can never
be completely eliminated and there is a nonzero idiosyncratic risk premium. Different form Tzang et al. (2016), we
assume that idiosyncratic risk can be diversified and not being paid. Additionally, following Heston and Nandi (2000)
and Duan and Wei (2005), we directly write the returns of the market index and the underlying asset in the form of risk
free interest rate plus a return premium compensating the systematic risk. In the proposed framework, we derive the
explicit pricing formulae for ESOs with averaging features or indexing features or both by ignoring the possibility of
early exercise of the options and assuming away the departure risk of the executives. Actually, we follow Duan and Wei
(2005) and Tian (2013) to treat ESOs as a European option. The derived pricing formulae extend the existing pricing
formulae for Asian options in Kemna and Vorst (1990) and indexed options in Johnson and Tian (2000) by taking time
varying variances into consideration. Finally, we numerically compare the differences between the prices in the
BlackScholes model and the ones obtained in the proposed GARCH framework, and investigate the sensitivities and
the cost efficiency of ESOs.
Note that we use AESOs and ESOs with averaging features/schemes interchangablely.
Throughout this paper, we refer to stock βas systematic risk following the literature (see, e.g., Duan & Wei, 2005; Tian, 2013).

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