Preventing cold-weather damage.

PositionSkin care - Brief Article

While the weather outside is frightful, your skin may be even less delightful. "Sahara-like" indoor humidity, resulting from turning up the thermostat, is sure to add to the winter skin blahs, which are compounded by lower outdoor temperature and humidity as well as wind. The result is blotchy, flaky, chapped, dry, itchy skin.

"The winter season is the prime time for skin damage," warns Stephen Pennisi, director of the Lanacane Itch Information Center, White Plains, N.Y. "Unlike summer, when we are so much more aware of taking care of our skin with sunscreen and other measures for bug bites and poison ivy, we think the passing of Labor Day means we can now forego our skin regimens. However, winter is when our skin needs care the most."

To help your skin survive the season, follow these recommendations concerning products that should be applied:

* Sunscreen with SPF of at least 15. While the days at the beach are a distant memory, the blazing sun on the ski slopes or when walking outside is just as powerful in January. The problem is, people don't "feel" it. Apply products with built-in sunscreen, such as foundation and other cosmetics, to help prevent skin damage and the wrinkles that result from it.

* Moisturizer. The winter's harsh elements make your skin "thirsty." Keep travel-size bottles of moisturizer at every sink to...

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