Prevent voter fraud.

PositionLetter to the editor

In "Feminists for McCain?" Ruth Conniff discusses the recent and pervasive rumor that feminists who are disappointed that Hillary is not the candidate will somehow decide that voting for McCain will be an appropriate protest (August issue). She goes on to cite many sources that say this rumor is not true, but she does not mention the real reason that this rumor is gaining so much traction.

Make no mistake, the Republicans plan to steal this election, just as they stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. They cannot afford to lose the election; too much is at stake for them.

But the success of this attempted theft is at risk because more and more American citizens are aware of the previous thefts and are making plans to prevent the theft in 2008. It is imperative that progressives see the importance of election disaster preparedness...

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