Prescription painkiller use surpasses tobacco.

PositionDrug Use - Brief article

Some 37.8% of U.S. adults used prescription pain relievers within the past year, compared to 31.1% who used tobacco products, according to the Federal government's National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Though most patients properly are using their medication as prescribed, the data also shows a growing pattern of misuse and abuse.

More than 91,800,000 Americans aged 18 and older took prescription painkillers last year, while 75,400,000 used tobacco products. When children aged 12 and older are included, those numbers rise to 97,500,000 and 78,300,000, respectively. Although the majority of those taking prescription pain relievers do not abuse them, more than 12.5% of all users admit to misuse.

Nearly 12,500,000 Americans aged 12 and...

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