Predictive power of Markovian models: Evidence from US recession forecasting

Date01 September 2019
AuthorRuilin Tian,Gang Shen
Published date01 September 2019
Received: 15 March 2018 Revised: 1 February 2019 Accepted: 3 February 2019
DOI: 10.1002/for.2579
Predictive power of Markovian models: Evidence from US
recession forecasting
Ruilin Tian1Gang Shen2
1Department of Transportation, Logistics
and Finance, North Dakota State
University, Fargo,North Dakota
2Department of Statistics, North Dakota
State University, Fargo,North Dakota
Ruilin Tian, Department of
Transportation, Logistics and Finance,
North Dakota State University,PO Box
6050, Fargo, ND 58108.
This paper provides extensions to the application of Markovian models in pre-
dicting US recessions. The proposed Markovian models, including the hidden
Markov and Markov models, incorporatethe temporal autocorrelation of binary
recession indicators in a traditional but natural way. Considering interest rates
and spreads, stock prices, monetary aggregates, and output as the candidate pre-
dictors, we examine the out-of-sample performance of the Markovian models
in predicting the recessions 1–12 months ahead, through rolling window exper-
iments as well as experiments based on the fixed full training set. Our study
shows that the Markovian models are superior to the probit models in detecting
a recession and capturing the recession duration. But sometimes the rolling win-
dow method may affect the models' prediction reliability as it could incorporate
the economy's unsystematic adjustments and erratic shocks into the forecast.
In addition, the interest rate spreads and output are the most efficient predictor
variables in explaining business cycles.
forecast recession, GDI, hidden Markov model, Markov model, probit model, rollingwindow
In the existing literature, research for predicting business
cycles forecasts either economic growth through continu-
ous models or recessions through binary models. Estrella,
Rodrigues, and Schich (2003) find that binary models are
typically more stable than continuous models. A major-
ity of studies have implemented one of two models:
logit/probit and/or Markovian models. This paper extends
the methodology of modeling and forecasting binary time
series through a set of proposed Markovian models.
Early studies with logit/probit models such as Canova
(1994) investigates the natureof financial crises in the USA
for the period 1880–1914. He finds that the out-of-sample
forecasting ability is poor as only two out of eight investi-
gated financial crises are predicted. Estrella and Mishkin
(1998) point out that the in-sample and out-of-sample
performance can differ greatly, and parsimonious models
work best out of sample. Traditional static models for pre-
dicting recessions simply ignore information about past
states of the economy.
Since there exists autocorrelation in the binary recession
indicator time series, static models are clearly inappro-
priate. The temporal correlation of binary recession sig-
nals should be considered in statistical models for future
recession prediction. Dynamic extension of static models
has attracted attention in recent years; see, among oth-
ers, Jacob and Lewis (1978), Chang, Kavvas, and Delleur
(1984), Durland and McCurdy (1994), Dueker (1997,
2005), Chauvet and Potter (2005), Kauppi and Saikkonen
(2008), and Nyberg (2010). Dynamic models typically
encompass autocorrelation among recession signals by
Journal of Forecasting. 2019;38:525–551. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 525
linking recession probability with lagged recession indi-
cators and other explanatory variables. Although it is
arguable that the lagged recession indicator in some
dynamic models is statistically significant, dynamic mod-
els often reportedly outperform static models.
Starting with Neftçi (1984) and Hamilton (1989),
Markov switching methodology for business cycle fore-
casting has been suggested in the literature. Neftçi devel-
ops a second-order Markov model to capture the binary
upswings and downswings in the unemployment rate
when analyzing the asymmetric behavior of the unemploy-
ment rate. Hamilton introduces a hidden Markov model
(HMM) to describe economic regime changes as an unob-
served first-order Markov process via observed macroeco-
nomic data.
The Markov switching model of Hamilton (1989) is
widely used for time series in which the autoregressive
parameters switch between different time regimes. Studies
that implement HMMs include, among others, Hamilton
(1990), Lahiri and Moore (1991), Lahiri and Wang
(1994), Hamilton and Perez-Quiros (1996), Layton (1996),
Gregoir and Lenglart (2000), Ivanova, Lahiri, and Seitz
(2000), Marsh (2000), Kontolemis (2001), Koskinen and
Öller (2003), Giampieri, Davis, and Crowder (2005),
Andersson, Bock, and Frisén (2005), Banachewicz and
Lucas (2008), Banachewicz, Lucas, and Vaart (2008),
Chen, So, and Lin (2009), Parikakis and Merika (2009),
Pinson and Madsen (2012), Nunes, Natário, and Carvalho
(2013), Collet and Leonardi (2014), Dorosiewicz (2016),
Hou (2017), Nystrup, Madsen, and Lindström (2017), and
Nguyen (2018).
Besides the above-mentioned studies that adopt HMMs,
the following Markov switching models also showed their
success in forecasting economic time series. Batchelor
(2001) uses a time-varying parameter Markov switching
model to measure linkages between business confidence,
consumer confidence, and the state of the economy
in the USA and the UK. Kanas (2003) examines the
out-of-sample performance of the standard regime switch-
ing and the Markov regime switching models in forecast-
ing stock returns. Chauvet and Hamilton (2006) study a
Markov switching model in which the binary recession sig-
nals interlace with gross domestic product (GDP) growth
rates and form a Markov chain. Nalewaik (2011) incor-
porates vintage differences and forecasts into the Markov
switching models described by Hamilton (1994). Barsoum
and Stankiewicz (2015) analyze business cycle patterns
in macroeconomic time series with Markov switch-
ing mixed data sampling (MIDAS) models. Recently,
Camacho, Perez-Quiros, and Poncela (2018) extended the
Markov switching dynamic factor model to account for
some of the specificities of the day-to-day monitoring of
economic developments from macroeconomic indicators.
More applications of Markov switching models can be
found in Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and Prodan (2012), Foroni,
Guérin, and Marcellino (2015), Ardia, Bluteau, Boudt, and
Catania (2018), and Nyberg (2018).
This paper provides an extension to the application
of Markovian models in forecasting the US recessions.
We propose a set of variants of hidden Markov and
Markov models, treating the temporal dependency in
a traditional but natural way. Our proposed hidden
Markov models use a latent variable to represent the
impact of unknown driving factors on economy reces-
sions, while our proposed Markov models reallocate
the probabilities between recession and nonrecession
regimes in the transition matrix to strengthen the mod-
els' ability to detect a recession. In addition, the first
two proposed variants of HMMs (i.e., the DAR-HMM
and DAR-DHMM) can estimate the long-term proba-
bility of recession—a unique feature that other models
do not possess.
We assess the out-of-sample predictability of the pro-
posed Markovian models at horizon 1 to 12 months by con-
sidering six potential explanatory variables that include
the yield spread, money market spread, junk bond spread,
money supply, stock price, and gross domestic income
(GDI). The 1-month-ahead forecast is actually close to
“nowcast,” which predicts the present, the very recent
past, or the very near future. There has been increasing
interest in nowcasting. Studies like Giannone, Reichlin,
and Small (2008), Liebermann (2013), Mazzi, Mitchell,
and Montana (2013), and Chen, So, Wu, and Yan (2014),
and Garbellano (2016) nowcast business cycles, GDP, or
some other macro variables. Nowcast is also applied to
the real-time prediction of influenza excess deaths (Nunes,
2011; Nunes et al., 2013) and supply management (Lahiri
& Monokroussos, 2013).
Using the monthly data from 07/1964 to 12/2017, we
analyze the predictive performance of the probit and
Markovian models (including the hidden Markov and
Markov models) based on (1) the full training set from
07/1964 to 12/1989 and (2) the 10-year rolling window
training sets. All diagnostic statistics except the rolling
average Akaike information criterion (AIC) recommend
the Markovian models. The rolling average AIC recom-
mends the dynamic probit model since the model has a
strong ability to incorporate up-to-date information from
explanatory variables for prediction. However, the erratic
messages from predictors may ruin the model's recession
forecast, making its prediction too volatile to be trusted.
The rolling window method typically yields lower AIC
and in-sample mean absolute error (MAE), while the
impact of rolling reestimation on the out-of-sample MAE
is mixed. When the forecast horizon is shorter than a year,
the out-of-sample MAEs for most of the Markovian models

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