Prayer on the Football Field.

PositionQuestions and Answers - Brief Article

Should student-led prayers be allowed before school games?


In May 1999, my high school classmates elected another student and me to say a few words before school football games in the 1999-2000 season. I chose to make my few words a prayer. Before each game, I asked the Lord for safety on the field, good sportsmanship among the players and other participants, and a safe trip home for all--in the name of Jesus Christ.

This June, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that my school's policy promoting student-led prayer was an unconstitutional violation of the separation of church and state. It said that prayer at a school event such as a football game--even prayer led voluntarily by a student--sends the message that nonbelievers "are outsiders."

I disagree.

I don't believe that students should be forced to pray, or that there should be one government-endorsed church. But in trying to avoid those evils, the courts have gone overboard. They've become not just neutral, but anti-religion. By banning student-led prayers at football games, they're violating my freedom of speech. They're singling out religious speech for a special ban they don't put on other speech.

Opponents of student-led prayers argue that these prayers make students in religious minorities uncomfortable. But I would have no problem at all if, at another game, a student chose to make totally secular remarks.

Let's be open to the expression of all views--including the views of those who, like me, are proud to testify to their belief in Jesus Christ.

--MARIAN WARD, 19 Santa Fe, Texas


I agree with the Supreme Court: Prayers over the loudspeaker have no place at school football games.

Defenders of student-led prayer say that banning it restricts students' freedom of speech. Well, the line for me...

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