Prayer and telepathy linked.

People who pray frequently are more likely to say they have personally experienced telepathy, a study by William MacDonald, assistant professor of sociology, Ohio State University, reveals. "In one sense, the results aren't surprising. You can think of prayer as a type of mind-to-mind communication between a person and God. So prayer and telepathy are related concepts." Telepathy is the ability to "read" someone's thoughts or transmit your own without speaking or otherwise communicating.

He found that the social and cultural factors associated with telepathy were different from those related to clairvoyance - the ability to sense events that are occurring far away, or even before they happen. For example, while frequency of prayer, gender, and education predicted the odds of reporting telepathy, they were not associated with clairvoyance. Other results showed that: * Those who were financially dissatisfied were more likely to report clairvoyance. This fits a sociological theory that claims that individuals who are undergoing personal stress - such as monetary problems - look for coping mechanisms. "Perhaps clairvoyance gives people who don't feel successful in achieving their goals more of a sense of control and power over their lives."

Why weren't those with financial woes more likely to report telepathy...

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