Practice checklists

AuthorStewart Edelstein
Dealing with Clients
• Compl ete a conflicts chec k before undertaking any r epresentation.
• Beware o f scams in undertaking any r epresentation.
• Dec line a prospective repre sentation if red flags ar e raised.
• If you de cline the representati on, put it in writing.
• Befor e doing substantive work , obtain a written ret ainer agreement.
• Cons ider alternative fee arra ngements:
__ __ __ ___ __ re du ce d h o u rl y w i t h p e rf or ma n c e b o nu s
__ __ __ ___ __ bl en de d r a t e
__ __ __ ___ __ f i x ed f e e
__ __ __ ___ __ c o n ti ng e nt f ee
__ __ __ ___ __ re tr os pe c t i ve f e e b a se d on r e su lt
__ __ __ ___ __ s t r ai gh t re ta in er
__ __ __ ___ __ vo lu me d i sc ou n t
• If you under take the representatio n, meet promptly with the clie nt at
your client’s plac e of business or your offic e.
• At the fi rst client meeting
__ __ __ ___ __ es t a b li sh r ap po r t
__ __ __ ___ __ ex pl ai n t he a t to rn ey -c li en t p ri vi l eg e
__ __ __ ___ __ ex pl ai n t he pu rp os e of th e m ee ti ng
__ __ __ ___ __ ge t n e ce ss ar y i n f or ma ti on
__ __ __ ___ __ di sc us s t he do cu me nt li ti ga ti on h ol d r eq ui re me nt
__ __ __ ___ __ g et a c om mi tm en t t ha t t he cl ie nt wi ll d ev ot e t he re so ur ce s
you need (contin ued)
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360 | How to Succeed as a Tria l Lawyer
__ __ __ ___ __ di sc us s o p t io ns
__ __ __ ___ __ do n’ t pr ed ic t o u tc om e
__ __ __ ___ __ di sc us s y o u r f e e
__ __ __ ___ __ w ar n y ou r cl ie nt ab ou t p re se rv in g t he a t tor ne y- cl ie nt
__ __ __ ___ __ as k f o r m or e i nf o rm at io n
Meet with all re presentatives of your clien t from whom you need
• Early in th e representation, obt ain the documents you need .
• If you take the c ase, inform the client what mus t be done; arrange for
the help you will nee d from support sta ff, experts, and o thers; develop
an overall strate gy; and follow through.
• Work collab oratively with your client .
• Manage c lient expectations a s to time, cost, and resul t.
• De al with difficult c lients by understan ding what concerns ca use them
to be difficult.
• When you need to deliver b ad news to a client, do so prompt ly, be
direct in expl aining the significance of w hat happened, and discus s
options in your str ategy going forward.
• In preparing your clien t to testify in court, t ailor your preparation to
the experienc e, sophistication, and p ersonality of your client, f ollow-
ing the tips in the tex t.
• Be c onscientious abou t capturing and record ing your billable and non-
billable time each day.
• Af ter you have completed your repr esentation, send a le tter to the cli-
ent to that ef fect, and, if you have not done so alr eady, inform the cli-
ent of other ser vices your firm provides .
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