PositionWeb sites with college information - Brief Article


Peterson's can help find the college you're looking for. Search by school name, location, or your own miscellaneous criteria, and you'll find info on student body size, academic difficulty, what percentage of applicants are accepted, faculty-student ratio, and tuition cost. Some of the schools even let you apply online through the site.

From the folks who bring you the SAT, here's everything you need to know to prepare you for the big test. Register online, prepare with sample test questions, and check out their other college guide sections for help on applying to schools and financial aid programs.


To foot the bill for the school of your dreams, know your financial aid options. At this U.S. government site, you can find out all about the various aid packages, and complete your free application online.


The Dow and Nasdaq have had their day. You may want to start following the Young30 Stock Index, a collection of companies like McDonald's, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Blockbuster that have more relevance to teen investors. Find it here, along with other youth-oriented investing strategies.

Sign up for special Web currency to use at a vast cyber-shopping mall, get help donating to charitable causes online, and find advice on saving, spending, and investing your dough.


Like an online dummies guide, this site provides step-by-step instructions on all the things you're ashamed to admit you don't know how to do (and a few we don't know how else you'd ever learn): training a dog, dusting, scoring bowling, writing...

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