PositionWeb sites with information on volunteering - Brief Article



Whether you're looking to make the world a better place by giving your money or your time, helping.org will direct you to organizations accepting both financial donations and volunteer assistance.


Send a card, help the planet. Not just your typical card site, e-cards donates money to an environmental charity for every card sent. And you won't be adding to paper pollution with an old-fashioned card and envelope.


Wondering how to get involved in some of the causes right in your hometown? Enter your ZIP code into the Earth's 911 database to learn about environmental issues in your area and the groups working to clean up the problems, including how you can help.



If your cause is a more global one, you'll want to share your thoughts with the politicians and journalists who can make a difference. Mr. Smith provides e-mail addresses for your senators and representatives, as well as the editors of most large publications. Make your voice heard...

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