Post-Judgment Proceedings: Collecting Monetary Judgment

AuthorKaren L. Stevenson
Published in Litigation News Volume 47, Number 1, Fall 2021. © 2021 by the Ameri can Bar Association. Re produced with per mission. All rights re served. This info rmation or any porti on thereof may not be c opied or disseminated in any f orm or
by any means or stored in an el ectronic database or r etrieval system w ithout the expre ss written cons ent of the American Bar A ssociation.
Published in Litigation News Volume 47, Number 1, Fall 2021. © 2021 by the Ameri can Bar Association. Re produced with per mission. All rights re served. This info rmation or any porti on thereof may not be c opied or disseminated in any f orm or
by any means or stored in an el ectronic database or r etrieval system w ithout the expre ss written cons ent of the American Bar A ssociation.
ou won the case, and your cl ient was awarded
monetary da mages! Now you need to execute
on the judgment. Some times the losin g party wi ll
pay up right away and be done with it. Of ten they
don’t. To collect the monetary award, you mus t
use the specia l rules and proce dures for post-judgment col-
lection proceeding s.
Commence afte r Final Judgme nt
Generally, a federal cour t cannot not enter nal judgment
until it has resolved a ll claims as to al l parties. Federal Rule
of Civil Procedure 54 p rovides that when an act ion involves
multiple claims, whe ther a claim, counterclaim, cro ss-claim
or third-par ty claim, or when multiple parties a re involved,
the court may di rect entry of nal judgment as to fewer th an
all claims or pa rties, but “only if the court expressly d eter-
mines that ther e is no just reason for delay.” While it is not
proper to commence colle ction proceedings prematurely,
in cases where “there i s no just reason for delay,” it may
be prudent to request entr y of nal judgment as to a single
claim on which your cl ient has prevailed.
State and Federal Ru les Apply
Federal Rule of Civil P rocedure 69(a) provides that the pro-
cedure to execute on a money judg ment “must accord with
the procedure of the st ate where the court is located.” Thus,
after win ning a civil judgment, a judgment creditor w ill use
state law procedures i n supplemental federal pro ceedings to
collect the award. St ate law might allow the judgment credi-
tor to pursue a writ of execut ion, a writ of garn ishment and
order to garnish wages or ba nk accounts, or a lien on the
judgment debtor’s property. These pro cedures must be fol-
lowed precisely. It is essential t hat counsel be familiar with
the applicable state ru les, forms, and de adlines.
Post-Judgment Proceedings:
Collecting a Monetary Judgment
By Hon. Karen L . Stevenson, Litigation Ne ws Associate Editor
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