Pop Quiz 1.

PositionAfrica - Brief Article

Use with International, pages 10-14

CHOOSE ONE: On the line to the left of each item, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

-- 1. A growing number of African-American visitors tour the Goree Island Slave House in the West African country of (a) Gambia; (b) Senegal; (c) Liberia; (d) South Africa. -- 2. From which region of Africa were most slaves taken to North America? (a) Northeast; (b) East central; (c) West and Southwest; (d) Southeast. -- 3. Karen Finney says she has no idea where in Africa her family originated. Which is the most likely explanation for her lack of knowledge? (a) Africans focus on the present, not the past; (b) slave families were often broken up, memories of Africa were lost over the years; (c) slaves in the Americas cut all ties to their African families; (d) European colonists changed Africa's borders. -- 4. Which adjective most accurately describes most Africans' relationship with most Europeans at the beginning of the 20th century? (a) ambivalent; (b) equivalent; (c) munificent; (d) subservient. -- 5. During his trip to Africa, President Clinton spoke repeatedly about...

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