Pollution Prevention and Rethinking 'Waste

Date01 June 2019
6-2019 NEWS & ANALYSIS 49 ELR 10515
Pollution Prevention and
Rethinking “Waste”
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” is the call to arms of the
mainstream environmental movement. While these
actions may seem simple for households, decisions
to reduce, reuse, and recycle in the commercial and
industrial spheres require innovation, creativity, and
risk. New practices in the organic waste and haz ardous
waste sectors have revolutionized our perspectives on
waste and resource use, and contributed to reductions
in pollution. On January 31, 2019, the Environmen-
tal Law Institute hosted an expert panel that explored
how industrial and commercial institutions are nd-
ing sustainable, economic, and innovative solutions
for recycling undesirable materials. Below, we present
a transcript of the discussion, which has been edited
for style, clarity, and space considerations.
Jim McElsh (moderator) is a Senior Attorney and
Director of the Sustainable Use of Land Program at the
Environmental Law Institute (ELI).
Linda Breggin is a Senior Attorney and Co-Lead of the
Food Waste Initiative at ELI.
Byron R. Brown is a Senior Counsel at Crowell &
Mo ring L LP.
Carol Adai re Jones is a Visiting Scholar and Co-Lead of
the Food Waste Initiative at ELI.
Anna Vinogradova is the Director of Sustainability at
Wal ma r t.
Jim McElsh: ank you for joining us for this webinar
on Pollution Prevention and Ret hinking “Waste.” It’s a
broad and interesting topic. It covers the elements of what
we used to think of as waste streams, but that I believe we
should think of as material ows.
When we think of material ows, we’re harking back
to a time that predates the Environmental Law Institute’s
(ELI’s) 50 years of operation. I think of the Odum broth-
ers, Eugene and Howard, who focused on material and
energy ows as ways of thinking about ecology.1 Or we
can hark back to the National Environmental Policy Act
(N EPA ), 2 which is also approaching its 50th anniversary.
NEPA §101(b) set a national goal to enhance the quality
of renewable resources and approach the maximum att ain-
able recycling of depletable resources. So, these are old
ideas, but with new solutions and new approaches. I’d like
to think of this perhaps as the “sustainability of stu.”
We have an excellent panel covering a wide variety of top-
ics today. But as we will see, there are relationships among
these topics. We’ll be talking about food and food waste.
We’ll be talking about water and wastewater management,
and the energy and nutrient resources that are now being
recovered from wastewater processing and turned into
valuable products. We’ll be talking about electronic waste
in all of its many permutations and values. We’ll be ta lking
about packaging and the circu lar economy, and manag-
ing product lines and product supply chains in the retail
environment. Each panelist is an expert not only in one of
the areas, but, in many cases, in multiple areas that we’ll
be talking about.
Our rst panelist will be Linda Breggin. She’s a senior
attorney at ELI, and has been with the Institute for more
than 15 years. Before that, she had a career in federa l gov-
ernment, on the Hill and with the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and in private practice. Linda
is located in Nashville, where she also assists ELI with
our ongoing collaboration with Vanderbilt University
Law School.
After Linda, who wi ll primarily be addressing food and
food waste issues, we’ll hea r from Dr. Carol Jones, a visit-
ing scholar at ELI for the past ve year s. She ha s had a long
1. See, e.g., Eugene P. Odum, Energy Flow in Ecosystems: A Historical Review, 8
A. Z 11 (1968).
2. 42 U.S.C. §§4321-4370h, ELR S. NEPA §§2-209.
Copyright © 2019 Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, DC. Reprinted with permission from ELR®, http://www.eli.org, 1-800-433-5120.

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