Political contribution.


Spurred by accusations that the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority pads its stats, Charlotte and local booster groups commissioned an outside agency to calculate the impact of the Democratic National Convention. The result? About 35,000 attendees helped generate almost $164 million, making it the most-lucrative event in the metro's history.

Total economic impact * Host organizations $42.2 million * Indirect $34.5 million * Security $19.5 million * Induced $38.1 million * Visitor spending $28.6 million * * Other $O.7 million Almost no vacancies

Visitors spent most of their money on lodging, as metro hotels raked in more than $22 million, thanks to increased room demand and average rates that nearly tripled over the previous year. The occupancy rate downtown, where most of the events took place, was 98%. It was 93% in the metro.

$297 million

The most the renovation of 17-year-old Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte would cost, according to an...

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