
AuthorStewart Edelstein
The gryphon il lustration on the cover was created by Nina Bolen (ww w, who licensed the use of this image.
The flowchart on page 375 is printed with the perm ission of Mihaly
Csikszentmi halyi, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Manage-
ment, Claremont Graduate University, and author of Flow: The Psychol-
ogy of Optimal Experience. HarperCollins, New York 2008.
The funnel method chart on page 147 and the flowchart on page 375
were designed by and printed with the permission of Miggs Burroughs
of Miggs B. Design (ww
My article, “Twenty-Fifth Reunion Catharsis: Lear ning to Avoid Burn-
out,” first published in the June 2000 edition of Trial , is reprinted at
pages 388 to 402 with the permission of the American Association for
My article “Bombast v. Cogent,” first published in the spring 1992 edition
of Litigation magazine, is reprinted at pages 403 to 415 with the permis-
sion of the American Bar A ssociation.
My article “14 Tips for Presenting a Compelling Commercial Plaint iff’s
Case,” first published in the March 2008 edition of The Practical Litiga-
tor, is reprinted with revisions in chapter 9. For the original article, go
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