Pentagon at Crossroads.

AuthorErickson, Richard G.
PositionREADER'S FORUM - Letter to the editor

* I was disappointed by the article "Future of War" (August 2009). You went to great lengths quoting military experts on strategic issues and then quoted a "military reporter" and a "military analyst" with no military background whatsoever to conclude that we are at a worst "point" in American history. Why not conclude on a positive note by quoting Gen. Mattis or Gen. Petraeus on counterinsurgency victory in Anbar Province or victory in the many thousands more instances when aircraft bombs have hit their intended military targets without killing civilians? By "this point" in your conclusion, didn't you mean to suggest a point where we have the most technologically-advanced, superbly-trained, adaptable, envied and lethal but humane military in the world? Shouldn't you also report on how many more victories we have achieved than "limited gains" and failures since 2001?

Richard G. Erickson

Phoenix, AZ

* I was stunned by Gen. Mattis' assertion in the August 2009 article "Future of War" that technological superiority is "overrated." While agreeing that technological superiority by itself does not guarantee victory, I know of no warrior who would prefer to be technologically inferior. Ask any...

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