Pelvic organ woes all too common.

Approximately one in nine Caucasian women will have surgery for pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence before the age of 80, indicates Ambre Olsen, an associate in obstetrics and gynecology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City. Pelvic organ prolapse is the loss of muscle strength and connective tissue attachments that support the bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum. When the support is lost, these organs drop, putting pressure on the vagina or descending through the vaginal opening.

"Pelvic organ dysfunction is a major healthy and quality of life issue," notes Olsen. Gynecologists have known for a long time that these are common problems, but no one knew how common they truly are." According to the study, 11% of women will have surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse and/or urinary incontinence, but she points out that the number of women who experience pelvic floor dysfunction is probably much higher. "A report of surgically treated patients represents just the tip of the iceberg. There have not been any studies showing how many women are treated conservatively [without...

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