PCPS update.

PositionPrivate Companies Practice Section

PCPS Update--Critical Information for CPA Firms

PCPS is here to help you succeed. How? We look at resources and regulations and consider how they will affect our members, namely, CPA firms. We bring you up-to-date tools and information that shape your practice today and will help your business in the future.

PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey Goes Biennial

State societies and CPA firm participants have indicated that it is not necessary to conduct the PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey every year. Their reasoning? CPA firm business operations data doesn't change that much year over year. We agree. As a result, PCPS has decided to conduct its National MAP Survey every two years. We believe the true value of the data is realized after respondents incorporate what they learn from the findings into their management decisions, and then view changes in the data in the following year.

We'll be looking for your responses again in 2006, but until then, we'll be mining the extensive data we currently have and developing useful practice management tools for you and your firm. We will use 2005 to take different looks at the results from the 2004 survey and possibly from the last three years. We have already created a tax summary, which you can access at http://map.pcps.org/misc/maphome/taxextract.pdf, and are working on another one for staffing.

There's still time to get your hands on the 2004 data! The full survey results are FREE to all PCPS members. Nonmembers can join PCPS for $35 per CPA in the firm (up to a maximum of $700) to take advantage of this member benefit. Alternatively, non-PCPS members can purchase data reports for $300 with a $100 discount to respondents and an additional $100 discount for AICPA members. For more information, call 1-800-CPA-FIRM or visit www.pcps.org and click on the 2004 PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey logo on the left side of the screen.

PCPS to Unveil New Web Site!

PCPS is putting the finishing touches on a new Web site that will provide member firms with a more comprehensive collection of practice management tools, news, and resources. Specifically targeted to local and regional firms, the new Web site will be unveiled at the Practitioners Symposium in Orlando, FL, in June. Conference attendees will also be welcomed at a tutorial demonstrating the site's new features and navigation.

Please note: Managing partners of PCPS member firms should watch for a special e-mail that will contain a firm unique URL address. This will...

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