Sean Parnell.


Toward the end of his term as governor of Alaska, someone showed Sean Parnell a word cloud compiled from his public addresses. The largest, most freguent word turned out to be "opportunity." That theme connects his current role as UAA chancellor through his years in elected office and his career as a commercial attorney

"Because every client is with you because they want to create something different for themselves or their business," he says, "I saw those as creating opportunity for the client."

Parnell might've never gone into law, instead pursuing his dream to become an Air Force fighter pilot, were it not for a pivotal conversation with Renita Yahara, his French teacher at Anchorage Christian School. He recalls her saying, "You were meant to be around people continually during the day. I really don't see you in a cockpit."

Applying his interpersonal skills to politics, Parnell spent eight years in the Alaska House and Senate, eight more as lieutenant governor and governor, and he continues to draw a state paycheck today, hired in 2021 to lead UAAs five campuses.

Alaska Business: What's the most daring thing you've ever done?

Sean Parnell: Besides putting my name and face out there for public office? [he laughs] Raising two daughters.

AB: What do you do in your free time?

Parnell: I love to hike and walk. I love to spend time with my grandchildren. I love to just be with my partner in life and wife, Sandy, and with friends.

AB: What's the first thing you do when you get home after a long day at work?

Parnell: [he laughs] If Sandy's there, I give her a great big hug and tell her, "I love you and it's great to see ya," and then we start making dinner together.

AB: Is there a skill you're currently developing or have always wanted to learn?


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