Parents and kids need to get in the groove.

PositionBack-to-School - Brief article - Book review

"There's no time like the present to set yourself and your family up for success. Kindergarten and elementary school are golden opportunities to teach children how to succeed in school and in life, but the foundation starts at home with good parenting," says Kristen Sutich, author of The Kindergarten Toolkit: 75 Tips from a Kindergarten Teacher for Parents"

Sutich offers these suggestions: attend parent-teacher conferences; get organized; and develop a homework routine.

"Attending school conferences allows you to meet with the teacher, and find out how your child is progressing in school. Ifs helpful to know areas that need improvement and what support you can give your child at home. This will help meet your child's needs in school--and show you are interested in what your child is learning.

"As for getting organized, have a file tray, drawer, or special place for homework and school folders, as well as a special spot for school library books that your children bring home...

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