Parent power in placement of twins.

PositionTRENDS AND TRANSITIONS - Brief article

The number of twins and triplets (and more) in the United States has more than doubled in the last two decades. In 2005, one in every 35 kindergarteners was a multiple birth sibling. With this increase comes the question of whether they should be placed in the same classrooms.

Parents, educators and school administrators must consider academic, behavioral, emotional and social aspects in deciding where to place siblings, but they don't always agree. Traditionally, school principals have decided where to place siblings. Survey and anecdotal information show that they often believe separating siblings is best.

Some parents, on the other hand, want to keep their kids in the same classroom. Thus far, there is no conclusive research that supports either side of the debate. Groups such as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club and the National Association of School Psychologists call for flexibility and collaboration among parents and schools in the decision-making process.


Twelve states have passed laws that directly speak to classroom...

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