Overseas US Navy Legal Assistance Services: Supporting America's Away Team

AuthorManal Cheema
After the Bar Practice Areas “ S ettings
Overseas US Navy Legal Assistance Services:
Supporting America’ s Away Team
Manal Che ema
Jul 02, 2 024 5 min read
When individuals are stationed or deployed overseas, military legal assistance is
often the only in-person option for obtaining notaries, consular services, or civil legal
For many, being stationed overseas is often their first time away from family, friends,
or really any support network, and legal assistance attorneys and paralegals can be
helpful in calming fears or navigating complex processes that foreign environments
The most common area of practice that overseas providers advise on is family law.
Immigration is the second most common issue, specifically the naturalization of a
service member or a family member.
7/8/24, 12:27 PM
Overseas US Navy Legal Assistance Services: Supporting America’s Away Team

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