Orlando as ObamaWorld.

AuthorEmord, Jonathan W.

THE MURDER of 49 Americans in Orlando, Fla., at the hands of a home-grown, radical Islamic terrorist is the logical consequence of a President who refuses to use all means necessary to eradicate radical Islamic terrorists overseas. Pres. Barack Obama not only refuses to rally the nation, seek a declaration of war, and do what is required militarily to destroy those intent on taking American lives, he shows empathy for the plight of terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay, effectively seeing fit to bolster their ranks and cause by releasing even the most-hardened and dedicated A1 Qaeda enemy combatants from that facility. He has entered into a deal with our most ardent foe, Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, whereby he has filled that nation's treasury with billions of dollars, has enabled the country to exercise hegemony over Iraq and Syria, and virtually has ensured it will obtain a nuclear arsenal.

The failure of Pres. Obama to assume the full mantle of commander in chief in the face of acts of radical Islamic terrorism against the U.S. and its allies bodes ill for the lives of Americans at home and abroad. Indeed, Obama's essentially defensive posture maximizes the likelihood that there will be far more terrorist attacks within our nation's borders--borders that he refuses to secure. Likewise, he refuses to devote full military power to a relentless campaign of extermination of terrorists around the globe; destroy all means of communication employed by terrorists; cut off all supplies and finances directed to radical Islamists; or target all ISIS training camps and weapons factories. His incoherent foreign policy is suicidal for our nation.

The President will not even mention the words radical Islam, let alone declare war on radical Islamic terrorists. A declaration of war is essential to rally the nation, explain the perverse ideology of our foe, and commit the U.S. military to a relentless battle to ferret out and exterminate every last vestige of radical Islamic terror, along with all of those who provide terrorists aid and comfort.

Indeed, rather than define who the enemy is and urge Americans to notify authorities of people who have become radicalized and have taken steps to effectuate acts of terror, the President insists upon political correctness, turning a blind eye to mosques and mullahs who solicit terror, demanding that we ignore the very foundation of Islamic radicalism. Instead, Americans should be educated about the...

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