Organizing ideas.


For use with "Trump vs. the G.O.P." on p. 12 of the magazine

Creating an outline can be an effective way to Keep track of how an author develops central ideas in a nonfiction text. After reading "Trump vs. the G.O.P.," fill in the blank sections below to complete the outline. Note that outlines will vary from reader to reader.

  1. Introduction

    1. Republican leaders are closing ranks in opposition to Donald Trump.

      1. They're begging voters to choose someone else.

      2. --

      3. --

      4. --

    2. This conflict represents a shift in the nation's political landscape.

      1. --

    3. The issue is that some say Trump is "unpresidential."

      1. Republican leaders point to certain undesirable traits.

        1. --

        2. --

      2. Many voters seem to disagree.

        1. --

  2. Convention Battle?

    1. A "brokered convention" is a possibility.

      1. It can happen when no candidate has the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination.

      2. --

      3. --

    2. Some Republicans have concerns about how a brokered convention would play out.

      1. --

      2. There's a chance the party will abandon Trump.

      3. --

      4. There is talk of getting a third-party candidate in the race.

    3. There has been a backlash from Trump supporters.

      1. --

      ANALYZE: Write a paragraph describing at least two ways you think outlining information in a text can benefit readers.

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