Oregon Supreme Court Gets First African-American Justice

AuthorGerardo Alvarez
Oregon Supreme Court Gets
First African-American Justice
Law can level the playing field
entirely comfortable tal king about.
“There are so many issues that are going o n in
our society right now, and I would say that th e biggest
issue isn’t a legal issue,” Nelson says . “Rather, I believe
civility and the ability to have conver sations around
hard topics is most critical for our c ountry.”
The access-to-justice gap is an other critical issue
for Justice Nelson. She h as held “listening sessions”
at various community loc ations, allowing residents
to share their experiences and c oncerns about the
justice system.
“The goal was twofold,” Nelson e xplains. “It was to acknowledge
that there was a gap between the pe rception of justice for people
who came before us and my collea gues, as well as to figure out—once
we identify that—where do we go from the re to educate each other.”
After those sessions conclude d last year, they evolved into Court
Connect, a collabor ative eort between the Multnom ah Bar Foundation
and the county circuit cour t to make the new county courthouse not
only accessible but welcomi ng to and inclusive of all members of the
Nelson believes she owes her success in th e legal field to the
inspiration she finds in peop le from all walks of life. And she says she
hopes to continue to uphold the law as an e qualizer that gives voice to
people and issues that other wise may not have support.
“People won’t always remembe r what you said or what you did,
but they’ll remember how you mad e them feel, and I think that’s very
important and someth ing I try to live by,” Nelson says.
Gerardo Alvarez
the first African-Americ an to be appointed to the Oregon Supreme
Court in its 158-yea r history.
But she’s been a historymaker for quite som e time now.
In 1985, Nelson graduated f rom high school in Gurdon,
Arkansas, as the first black val edictorian student since the scho ol
integrated after the civil right s movement. But the accomplishme nt
was hard-won.
The school didn’t initial ly want to recognize her academic
excellence because of the co lor of her skin. Her mother had to
sue the school district, p utting her career as a teacher in that sa me
district on the line. This ear ly exposure to law leveling the playing
field inspired Nelson to pursue a l egal career. “That’s what started
my interest in the law because I saw the law as a too l to help people,”
she says.
Nelson relocated to Oregon af ter graduating from the University
of Texas School of Law in 1993 to be closer to family. She pra cticed
law in Portland for several years before beco ming a Multnomah
County circuit judge in 200 6. Nelson was appointed to Oregon’s
highest court by Gov. Kate Brown on Jan. 2 .
As she transitions to her new role, Justice N elson wants to continue
to address issues that are importan t to all Oregonians. She says she
believes the most import ant ones are those that people don’t fe el
Opening Statements
MAY 2018 ABA JOURNAL || 11
Justice Adrienne

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