Optimal pricing for new and remanufactured products

Date01 May 2015
Published date01 May 2015
Journal of Operations Management 36 (2015) 130–146
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Journal of Operations Management
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Optimal pricing for new and remanufactured products
James D. Abbeya,, Joseph D. Blackburn b,1, V. Daniel R. Guide Jr.c,2
aDepartment of Information & Operations Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, 4217 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4217,
United States
bJames A. Speyer Professor of Production Management Emeritus, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, 401, 21st Avenue South,
Nashville, TN 37203, United States
cSmeal Chaired Professor of Supply Chain Management, Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University, 413 Business Building,
University Park, PA 16802, United States
article info
Article history:
Received 17 June 2014
Received in revised form 9 February 2015
Accepted 30 March 2015
Available online 6 April 2015
Accepted by Thomas Younghoon Choi
Closed-loop supply chains
Consumer products
Product pricing
This work investigates the optimal pricing of new and remanufactured products using a model of con-
sumer preferences based on extensive experimentation. The experimental investigation reveals two
distinct segments of consumers. One segment is relatively indifferent between new and remanufactured
products and displays high sensitivity to price discounts. The second segment shows strong preferen-
ces for new products—with an accompanying aversion to remanufactured products—and realtively low
sensitivity to price discounts. The pricing analysis examines several scenarios involving a new product
manufacturer, ranging from a simple monopolist scenario to a more complex scenario involving compe-
tition with third-party remanufacturers. In contrast to the usual finding that new product prices should
decrease when competitive remanufactured products enter the market, the introduction of market seg-
ments reveals a robust finding across all scenarios: when remanufactured products enter the market, the
optimal price of the new product should increase. Through appropriate pricing of new products, the OEM
can mitigate the effects of cannibalization and increase profitability.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction and motivation
The market for remanufactured products is large and grow-
ing. Recent estimates for remanufactured product sales exceed
$100 billion per year with consumer markets representing approx-
imately $10 billion worth of sales per year (Giuntini, 2012; Hauser
and Lund, 2003). Although business-to-business sales still dwarf
consumer sales of remanufactured products, consumer markets for
remanufactured products are growing rapidly, accelerated by the
widespread popularity of Internet sales and on-line auctions. The
increased demand and availability of remanufactured products in
competition with new products pose vexing challenges for the OEM
who manufactures new products.
Faced with competition from remanufactured products, OEMs
struggle to develop a coherent remanufacturing strategy: whether
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 979 862 6515; fax: +1 979 845 5653.
E-mail addresses: jabbey@mays.tamu.edu (J.D. Abbey),
Joseph.Blackburn@owen.vanderbilt.edu (J.D. Blackburn), dguide@psu.edu
(V.D.R. Guide Jr.).
1Tel.: +1 615 322 0645.
2Tel.: +1 814 865 6103.
to enter the market with a remanufactured product and, if
so, how to price the products within a portfolio of both new
and remanufactured offerings. Interviews with managers also
revealed that cannibalization of new product sales by remanu-
factured products represents a significant concern for OEMs. For
instance, at Hewlett–Packard, executives expressed their beliefs
about cannibalization by stating that, “for every four unit sales of a
remanufactured product, they lost one new product sale” (Rysavy,
2001). Other firms have focused on eliminating returns in order
to block third-party remanufacturing and prevent cannibalization
(Blackburn et al., 2004; Ferguson et al., 2006). Even when returns
are unavoidable, firms such as Bosch Tools, NA have hesitated to
offer a remanufactured version of some products for fear of dilut-
ing both their brand and cannibalizing their new product sales
(Valenta, 2008).
Discussions with product managers at OEMs revealed that
the managers often make pricing and other strategic decisions
about remanufactured products in an environment of fear and
uncertainty—fear of cannibalizing new product sales and uncer-
tainty about consumer preferences and willingness to pay for
remanufactured products. Given these concerns and lack of appro-
priate information, some product managers—those who do choose
to offer a remanufactured product—follow ad hoc pricing strategies.
0272-6963/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.D. Abbey et al. / Journal of Operations Management 36 (2015) 130–146 131
In many cases, those pricing strategies amount to simply pricing
the remanufactured product at some prescribed discount off the
price of a comparable new product through educated guesses or
historical rules of thumb.
To address these concerns, this paper develops models to
help OEMs evaluate the risks of cannibalization, make strate-
gic decisions about entering the remanufacturing market, and to
provide guidance on product pricing—the joint pricing of the new
and the remanufactured products. Though a sizeable literature
on remanufactured consumer products exists, most models use
standard, theoretical assumptions about consumer preferences for
new and remanufactured products that have not been fully vali-
dated (Watson, 2008). Further, Guide and Van Wassenhove (2009)
raised concerns about the validity of these theoretical consumer
behavior models and called for empirical studies of consumer pre-
ferences for both new and remanufactured products. In light of
these concerns, the empirics of Section 3investigate consumer
preferences and reveal distinct departures from the classical theo-
retical model assumptions. Those departures from the assumptions
of the classical theoretical models reveal deficiencies in the exist-
ing literature that limit the existing models’ effectiveness for use
in practice. Based on the empirical findings, the resulting models
of Section 4are quite distinct from previous classical theoretical
models. As a result, this study differentiates itself from previous
research and provides constructive new insights for practitioners
regarding consumer preferences for the products.
Based on these concerns and open questions, this research has
twin objectives. The first objective is to gain empirical understand-
ing regarding the nature of consumer preferences for new and
remanufactured products. The second objective is to use the empir-
ical findings of consumer behavior as a means to inform practice
on remanufacturing strategy. Those strategies provide practition-
ers with insights for improved pricing/production decisions when
remanufactured products are introduced to the market. The empir-
ical analysis, detailed in Section 3, addresses the first objective
through a tailored experiment, using a general population of U.S.
consumers, to facilitate development of a new analytical model of
consumer preferences for new and remanufactured products. This
model differs in significant ways from the consumer behavior mod-
els that have been the de facto standard in the remanufacturing
literature. In particular, through use of a highly generalizable mixed
between and within-subject mixed model with subsequent regres-
sion analyses, the experimental work identifies distinct segments
of the consumer population that have markedly different prefer-
ences for remanufactured products. Providing insights for practice
through improved strategy— the second objective—requires use
of the consumer behavior model as input into an analytical pri-
cing model. The analysis of this empirically informed analytical
model constitutes the second stage of the research. This second
stage, covered in Section 4, develops market entry and pricing pol-
icy decisions under different scenarios that capture the variety of
market conditions an OEM would face in competition with reman-
ufactured products. The analytical results provide new insights
into the appropriate discount levels for remanufactured products
and yield counter-intuitive results for pricing new products. The
results show that optimal pricing for new products often embodies
price-increasing competition: competition from the remanufac-
tured product causes the optimal price of the new product to
increase, rather than decrease.
2. Related literature
In addition to the research cited in Section 1, this manuscript
draws on an extensive body of literature in consumer behavior,
market segmentation, and remanufacturing strategy. In doing so,
this manuscript addresses two fundamental elements of reman-
ufacturing strategy. The first fundamental element addresses
optimal pricing for the two products when a new product and a
remanufactured product compete in the same market. The sec-
ond fundamental element studied identifies the optimal level of
production if the firm decides to offer both new and remanu-
factured products simultaneously. Previous research addressing
these questions has followed a methodology that has its roots in
classical market segmentation economics. Specifically, the mar-
ket segmentation studies analyze the price and positioning of a
portfolio of products by first positing a theoretical model for the dis-
tribution of consumer preferences, then using that assumed model
to determine the optimal prices and positions under competitive
equilibrium (Hotelling, 1929; Mussa and Rosen, 1978; Moorthy,
1984; Vandenbosch and Weinberg, 1995).
Although the market segmentation literature provided the
research template used in theoretical studies of remanufactur-
ing strategy, there are important differences between the two
problems. Remanufacturing decisions are structurally simpler than
those of the classical market segmentation problem because, with
remanufacturing, the product positioning decisions are fixed a pri-
ori. In other words, there are existing new products with defined
positions and a remanufactured product—functionally equivalent
to the new product that may also enter the market. In addition,
the realities of a closed-loop supply chain impose constraints on
the production quantities of remanufactured products. The amount
of remanufacturable cores is limited to a fraction of prior produc-
tion based on a firm’s reverse supply chain and product acquisition
management (Guide and Van Wassenhove, 2001).
The seminal paper by Majumder and Groenevelt (2001) initiated
a stream of research on remanufacturing strategy. The Majumder
and Groenevelt paper, and most of the subsequent papers on
remanufacturing strategy, adhere to traditions of market segmen-
tation research by beginning with an assumed theoretical model of
consumer behavior. These theoretical models assume that all con-
sumers would buy a remanufactured product at a sufficiently large
discount on some distribution—usually a uniform distribution—of
willingness-to-pay preferences across an interval of prices. With
few exceptions, these models generally employ a linear relation-
ship between the discount and the consumer’s preference for
remanufactured products (Atasu et al., 2008; Debo et al., 2005;
Jin et al., 2007; Vorasayan and Ryan, 2006). In all of these studies,
the consumer behavior model finds the competitive equilibrium
to determine the price and production quantities for the new
and remanufactured products. In related work, Aydinliyim and
Pangburn (2012) consider a problem that is similar in structure to
the remanufacturing strategy problem. In their model, consumers
choose between two products that differ only in their packaging
with reduced-packaging products offered at a discount. Unlike the
remanufacturing strategy models, the theoretical consumer behav-
ior model used in their work allows for the possibility that the
willingness-to-pay functions may intersect. In other words, some
fraction of consumers (e.g., green consumers) might be willing to
pay a premium for the reduced-packing option.
In contrast to the models based on the common set of theo-
retical assumptions, motivation for this manuscript stemmed from
the growing body of empirical evidence that the theoretical mod-
els of consumer behavior used in prior studies may be deficient
and fail to capture accurately the complexity of consumer pre-
ferences. A recent field experiment using eBay auctions of both
new and remanufactured products found that consumers tended
to fall into one of two distinct segments (Guide and Li, 2010). One
segment only bid on new products and stated in follow-up sur-
veys that they would not consider purchasing a remanufactured
version. The second segment contained deal-seeking, functional
consumers who displayed relative indifference between new and

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