Online readers open fire, too.

PositionReaders respond - Letter to the editor

Ordinarily our policy is to only run letters after we've contacted the writers and confirmed their identity, but the column by ColoradoBiz Editor Robert Schwab for recommending gun possession only for police and soldiers generated such a torrent of response that we felt compelled to offer a sampling. The writers' identities aren't clear, but their positions on guns are.


Which rights do you, Robert Schwab, consider being essential to business? Once freedom is lost it is difficult to regain. The Second Amendment is like the other nine, a right not a privilege, of the citizens of the United States of America.


Schwab has finally proven that he has lost all reasonableness in his writings. From support of higher taxes to now repealing what many consider the cornerstone to the Bill of Rights, he has lost touch with reality. He should go write for or Air America, not for a pro-business publication. I was going to renew my subscription online, but I think I'll wait a while now. What a stupid column.


A point Mr. Schwab does not address in his ill-founded article is what would have happened in the Safeway shooting had the victims themselves been armed. You can bet for sure that less people would have died before the murderer was taken down.


This is a very well written article. It would be nice if we could take the weapons out of the hands of the criminals, but as time has proved, that is not...

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