PositionConservation Law Foundation - Brief Article

New Hampshire Advocacy Center Director NANCY L. GIRARD was appointed by Governor Shaheen to the state Integrated Transportation and Rail Advisory Council in May. On June 15, Girard spoke about the role of rail at the EPA Forum on Growth and Transportation in Saco, Me.

KIMBERLY OWENS joined CLF's Maine Advocacy Center as staff attorney in April. Previously, she was an associate attorney in the Juneau, Ak., office of Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund. Owens has worked on numerous issues that have both national and regional significance. They include oil and gas leasing on Alaska's Arctic Slope, overfishing and bycatch guidelines for American fisheries, protections for endangered Stellar's sea lions in the north Pacific, as well as state and federal public lands management. Owens has done extensive environmental work on the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the Clean Water Act. She is also well traveled, having worked and lived in London and Capetown, South Africa, and served as a kibbutz volunteer in Israel. She has a B.A. in communications from Temple University, where she received the President's Scholar Award and an Outstanding Achievement Scholarship. In 1995, she graduated magna cum laude from Villanova University Law School.

Spreading the good word has been on the agenda of CLF's Director of Brown fields Initiatives, JAMES A. HAMILTON. On April 5, he spoke to a group of undergraduates at Tufts University's Lincoln Filene Center on careers in nonprofits and described CLF's mission, our role in the region, and our work with other nonprofits in building coalitions to effect change.

This spring, Staff Scientist ANTHONY C. CHATWIN spoke about fisheries management issues to students at Boston's Northeastern...

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