Oil financialization and volatility forecast: Evidence from multidimensional predictors

Published date01 September 2019
AuthorYan‐ran Ma,Jiaofeng Pan,Qiang Ji
Date01 September 2019
Oil financialization and volatility forecast: Evidence from
multidimensional predictors
Yanran Ma
| Qiang Ji
| Jiaofeng Pan
Institutes of Science and Development,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
School of Public Policy and Management,
University of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China
Qiang Ji, Institutes of Science and
Development, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.
Email: jqwxnjq@163.com;
Funding information
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, Grant/Award Numbers: 91546109
and 71774152; Youth Innovation Promo-
tion Association of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Grant/Award Number:
Using the generalized dynamic factor model, this study constructs three predic-
tors of crude oil price volatility: a fundamental (physical) predictor, a financial
predictor, and a macroeconomic uncertainty predictor. Moreover, an event
triggered predictor is constructed using data extracted from Google Trends.
We construct GARCHMIDAS (generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticitymixeddata sampling) models combining realized volatility
with the predictors to predict oil price volatility at different forecasting hori-
zons. We then identify the predictive power of the realized volatility and the
predictors by the model confidence set (MCS) test. The findings show that,
among the four indexes, the financial predictor has the most predictive power
for crude oil volatility, which provides strong evidence that financialization has
been the key determinant of crude oil price behavior since the 2008 global
financial crisis. In addition, the fundamental predictor, followed by the finan-
cial predictor, effectively forecasts crude oil price volatility in the longrun fore-
casting horizons. Our findings indicate that the different predictors can provide
distinct predictive information at the different horizons given the specific
market situation. These findings have useful implications for market traders
in terms of managing crude oil price risk.
fundamental information, GARCHMIDAS model, generalized dynamic factor model, oil
financialization, volatility forecasting
The recent, substantial fluctuations in crude oil prices can
attract the attention of market traders who manage crude
oil price risk and the attention of investors who invest in
crude oil. This is because crude oil price volatility can
influence each industrial department in the industrial
chain and thus significantly affect the global macroeco-
nomic system. Several studies suggest that the uncer-
tainty of the crude oil market can dampen investment
(Elder & Serletis, 2009), shock global financial markets
(Kilian & Park, 2009), and even cause a recession
(GkanoutasLeventis & Nesvetailova, 2015). Therefore,
understanding crude oil price behavior is important for
pricing financial assets, implementing hedging strategies
and assessing regulatory proposals to restrict interna-
tional capital flows (Charles & Darné, 2017).
Given the volatility of crude oil prices, financial mar-
ket participants, policy market participants, and pro-
ducers and consumers of crude oil should understand
market uncertainty and avoid market risks by developing
a better understanding of crude oil price volatility and
making accurate predictions of crude oil price volatility.
Since 2004, the increased participation of hedge funds in
Received: 9 July 2018 Revised: 21 December 2018 Accepted: 3 February 2019
DOI: 10.1002/for.2577
564 © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Forecasting. 2019;38:564581.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/for
the crude oil market has resulted in the financialization
of the market (Büyükşahin & Robe, 2014; Fattouh, Kilian,
& Mahadeva, 2013). Meanwhile, financial institutions
consider the crude oil market as a profitable alternative
investment to reduce their portfolios risk (Silvennoinen
& Thorp, 2013). Thus, determining how to predict crude
oil price volatility is an important research direction in
the field of energy risk management, and it is important
to explore how to accurately forecast crude oil price
Although there are various ways of forecasting crude oil
price volatility, the methods can be classified into two cat-
egories. First, many contributions use volatility data to pre-
dict the oil price volatility. The majority of the literature
uses information on history crude oil price to predict the
conditional volatility of oil prices based on generalized
autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH)
class models (Efimova & Serletis, 2014; Wang, Ma, Wei,
& Wu, 2016; Wang & Wu, 2012). Sadorsky and McKenzie,
(2008) show that GARCHtype models produce more accu-
rate forecasts than any other competing models. Nomikos
and Pouliasis, (2011) use MixGARCH and Markov regime
switching (MRS)GARCH models to forecast the 1day
ahead crude oil price volatility. Kang and Yoon, (2013)
combine autoregressive fractionally integrated moving
average (ARFIMA) models with GARCH models to pro-
duce 1,5, and 20dayahead forecasts. Meanwhile, given
that the ultrahighfrequency data are more information
rich (Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, & Labys, 2003;
BarndorffNielsen & Shephard, 2004), some researchers
focus on predicting the realized volatility of oil prices based
on intraday data (Herrera, Hu, & Pastor, 2018; Liu, Ma,
Yang, & Zhang, 2018; Ma, Wahab, Huang, & Xu, 2017;
Ma, Zhang, Huang, & Lai, 2018).
This category of forecasting crude oil volatility involves
analyzing historical data regarding crude oil prices and
ignores the various external factors that comprehensively
affect the forecast target.
However, although historical market information
could be fully reflected by prices in the efficient market,
as proposed by Fama, (1970), Wang and Liu, (2010) find
that the crude oil market is not efficient in its weak form.
Pan, Wang, Wu, and Yin, (2017) also confirm that oil
prices do not reflect past information on macroeconomic
uncertainty. Meanwhile, Pan et al. increase the predictive
accuracy for oil price volatility forecasting by introducing
a macroeconomic uncertainty variable into the predictive
model. Like Pan et al., introducing driving factors of oil
price volatility into predictive models can increase predic-
tive accuracy for oil price volatility, which is the second
stream of academic studies.
Crude oil prices are driven by a large set of dynamic
and multidimensional factors that not only include
fundamental (physical) markets factors, but also financial
market factors and trading factors (Hamilton, 2009; Ji,
2012). Therefore, considering the driving factors of crude
oil prices in forecasting crude oil price volatility requires
the construction of a reasonable predictor. Most
researchers introduce efficient factors into forecasting
models to improve predictive accuracy.
However, given the imputing data at different frequen-
cies (i.e., the daily oil price volatility and monthly macro-
economic determinants and the ultrahighfrequency
data) in predicting models, most research studies use
mixeddata sampling (MIDAS) regression models
(Ghysels, SantaClara, & Valkanov, 2004) to address the
data frequency problem. Degiannakis and Filis, (2018)
use the MIDAS model combining highfrequency finan-
cial information with oil market fundamentals to gain
incremental predictive accuracy. To overcome the draw-
back of GARCHclass models, Engle, Ghysels, and Sohn,
(2013) input realized volatility (RV) and the economic
fundamentals into the GARCH model, forming the
GARCHMIDAS model, which prove macroeconomic
fundamentals play a significant role in forecasting. In
recent years, increasing numbers of researchers have
used this model or modified it to analyze and forecast
asset price volatility (Deng, Girardin, & Joyeux, 2018;
Kang, McIver, & Yoon, 2017; Mo, Gupta, Li, & Singh,
2018; Pan et al., 2017; Wei, Liu, Lai, & Hu, 2017). Wei
et al., (2017) use the GARCHMIDAS model and dynamic
model averaging combination method to forecast oil price
Given the reasonableness of predictors, researchers use
different driving factors to predict crude oil price volatil-
ity on multiperspectives. Several studies rely on informa-
tion from fundamental (physical) markets to analyze and
forecast crude oil price volatility (Baumeister & Kilian,
1. Three predictors are constructed using the
generalized dynamic factor model to
forecast oil price volatility.
2. An eventtriggered predictor is constructed
using data extracted from Google Trends.
3. Five GARCHMIDAS models with the model
confidence set are employed to test forecast
4. The financial predictor has the most
predictive power for crude oil volatility.
5. Fundamental information becomes more
important in the longrun forecasting
MA ET AL.565

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