Oh, my aching back ... feels much better now.

PositionBackjoy Core: The Back Orthotic - What's new? - Product/service evaluation

Let's be clear from the outset: Backjoy Core: The Back Orthotic is not just a simple cushion, and it doesn't work like one. Back-joy is a patented medical device registered with the Food and Drug Administration. It will not cure your back pain, but it is designed to relieve the pressures and strains caused by sitting that aggravate an individual's underlying condition so he or she can be comfortable.

When you sit on this device, its Orthotic Cradling System is activated. In other words, it "turns on" under your body weight to provide support by rotating your pelvis from three points simultaneously--the ischia, sacrum, and ilium. BackJoy cups, cradles, and floats the pelvis in the muscle and soft tissues so that the lumbar spine can find its most comfortable position (while you sit) instead of being locked in a fixed spot.

Unnatural pressures...

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