Offsetting the rounds by tracking the pounds.

PositionWhat's New? - Brief article

With plenty of cold weather still remaining before the change of seasons, it's easy to slip into our cozy sweaters and bulky clothes and overlook those extra pounds that we piled on during the holidays. Save for the dedicated few who are vigilant about their diet and exercise regimens, who hasn't stepped on the scale after a prolonged absence only to be shocked by the reality of the number?

The surest way to be more cognizant in this area is to weigh-in daily with the Health o meter Weight Trend Tracking Scale from Sunbeam Products, Inc., Jarden Consumer Solutions, Boca Raton, Fla. Known as "The Doctor's Scale," the Health o meter lets you take the guesswork out of weight management by using advanced technology to represent the weight gain or loss over time for up to four users.

With an easy-to-read 1.6"...

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