OAS celebrates a centennial.

Position!Ojo! - Organization of American States


"This is not only a palace but the spiritual home of the citizens of the American republics."

--John Barrett, Director General of Pan-American Union, 1910

A BIRTHDAY LIKE this happens only once every 100 years. The Organization of American States is celebrating the centennial of its magnificent House of the Americas, a building that has been the center stage for some of the region's most important political and economic events.

A century ago, on April 26, 1910, the leaders of American nations came together in Washington, DC to dedicate the House of the Americas. On that day, as a symbol of good faith and solidarity, US President William Howard Taft planted a "Peace Tree" in the center of the historic building.

Once known as the Pan-American Union building, the OAS House of the Americas was considered an architectural wonder in its time and is still a landmark in Washington, DC. Architects Patti Philippe Cret and Albert Kelsey designed it as a symbol of hemispheric unity by combining the major cultural architectural influences from the Americas, including Spanish colonial, Native American, French, Portuguese, and English.

Now, as our stately home turns 100, we are taking this opportunity to celebrate and renew our commitment to the promotion of peace, democracy, human rights, security, and development in the hemisphere. With the centennial celebrations, the OAS will raise awareness of who we are, what we do, and why we matter.

The milestone will be celebrated with a series of events that will begin in April 2010 and roll bring together ministers, cabinet secretaries, elected officials, and private sector leaders.

President Obama has been invited to mark the start of the Centennial Gala events by planting another Peace Tree, which will symbolize the building of a better hemisphere through the OAS aim its supporters. The...

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