Nuclear Regulatory Commission



Washington, DC 20555

Phone, 301-415-7000. Internet,

Chairman Richard A. Meserve

Commissioners Greta Joy Dicus, Nils J. Diaz, Edward McGaffigan, Jr., Jeffrey S. Merrifield

Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety and G. Paul Bollwerk III

Licensing Board Panel

Director, Office of Commission Appellate John F. Cordes


Director, Office of International Programs Janice Dunn Lee

General Counsel Karen D. Cyr

Secretary of the Commission Annette Vietti-Cook

Chairman, Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Manuel Cergueir


Chairman, Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste B. John Garrick

Chairman, Advisory Committee on Reactor Dana A. Powers


Executive Director for Operations William D. Travers

Deputy Executive Director for Carl J. Paperiello

Materials, Research, and State Programs

Deputy Executive Director for Patricia G. Norry

Management Services

Deputy Executive Director for Frank J. Miraglia, Jr.

Reactor Programs

Chief Financial Officer Jessie L. Funches

Chief Information Officer Stuart Relter, Acting

Director, Office of Congressional Affairs Dennis K. Rathbun

Director, Office of Public Affairs William M. Beecher

Inspector General Hubert T. Bell, Jr.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission licenses and regulates civilian use of nuclear energy to protect public health and safety and the environment. This is achieved by licensing persons and companies to build and operate nuclear reactors and other facilities and to own and use nuclear materials. The Commission makes rules and sets standards for these types of licenses. It also carefully inspects the activities of the persons and companies licensed to ensure that they do not violate the safety rules of the Commission.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was established as an independent regulatory agency under the provisions of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5801 et seq.) and Executive Order

11834 of January 15, 1975. All licensing and related regulatory functions formerly assigned to the Atomic Energy Commission were transferred to the Commission.

The Commission's major program components are the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. Headquarters offices are located in suburban Maryland, and there are four regional offices.

The Commission...

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