Now Peru Is Mine: The Life and Times of a Campesino Activist.

AuthorDeaver, William O., Jr.
PositionLATIN AMERICA - Book review

Llamojha Mitma, Manuel and Jaymie Patricia Heilman. Now Peru Is Mine: The Life and Times of a Campesino Activist. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016.

This work gives a broad overview of Peru's indigenous struggles for agrarian reform, land rights, education, and Manuel Llamojha Mitma's efforts to end discrimination while detailing his activism from childhood until his death in 2016 at the age of ninety-five. Heilman, an associate professor of history and classics at the University of Alberta, interviewed Llamojha Mitma and his family. Heilman conducted extensive research into Llamojha's role as a founding member of the Pro-Concepcion Chacamarca Indian Community Committee, which sought "official recognition of Concepcion as an 'indigenous community,' a legal status that guaranteed community land rights and the right to elect a village council... [its] most valuable tool in a fight against hacienda encroachment, as officially recognized indigenous community land...

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