Note About the Year-in-review

CitationVol. 22
Publication year2005

§ 22 Alaska L. Rev. 010. NOTE ABOUT THE YEAR-IN-REVIEW

Alaska Law Review
Volume 22
Cited: 22 Alaska L. Rev. 010


Abizer Zanzi

As many of you already know, our popular Year-in-Review feature is moving exlusively online. This major change is a condition of our renegotiated contract with the Alaska Bar Association. The move reflects a mutual agreement between the bar association and Duke Univsersity School of Law that the Alaska Law Review can operate most cost-effectively by transitioning the Year-in-Review online.

We began providing the Year-in-Review in 1989 as a service to our readers. Over the years, it has remained one of our most popular features. We believe the online version will provide versatile reading options for those interested in reviewing judicial decisions of the past year. They are easy to access on our website,, and are searchable by case name and area law. Additionally, we have provided a printer-friendly electronic version for those who prefer to have the entire copy of the Year-in-Review in paper format.

The Year-in-Review is...

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