Not Much Leeway Beyond Food Essentials.

PositionLOW-INCOME CONSUMERS - Brief article

Economic recession, recovery, and realignment have been major drivers of change in the U.S. food and beverage industry and consumer values and purchasing behaviors, according to findings in a report from the The Hartman Group, Bellevue, Wash.

"As the U.S. economy continues to shift, understanding and meeting the needs of these various types of value-seeking consumers in the U.S. has never been more critical," says CEO Laurie Demeritt. "Most consumers engage in thrifty behaviors--especially in their household shopping--because this type of frugality is culturally valued. However, for mid- to high-income consumers, frugality is more of a choice, whereas for low-income consumers, it is a necessary way of life."

The report finds that, despite this wealth gap, quality attributes like organic and less-processed cues still are growing in importance culturally. Similarly, as fewer households are able to call themselves "middle class," the traditional...

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