Nonprofits in policy advocacy their strategies and stories. By Sheldon Gen , Amy Conley Wright , Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. XXVIII, pp. 238. $34.99 (soft cover), $24.99 (eBook). pISBN 978‐3‐030‐43695‐7, eISBN 978‐3‐030‐43696‐4

Published date01 September 2023
AuthorSuparna Soni
Date01 September 2023
Received: 1 August 2023
DOI: 10.1111/puar.13716
Nonprofits in policy advocacy
their strategies and stories
By Sheldon Gen, Amy Conley Wright,
Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Palgrave
Macmillan. 2020. XXVIII, pp. 238. $34.99
(soft cover), $24.99 (eBook). pISBN
978-3-030-43695-7, eISBN
Suparna Soni
Department of Political Science & Public Administration, SUNY Buffalo State
University, Buffalo, New York, USA
Suparna Soni, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, SUNY
Buffalo State University, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Nonprofit organizations use various tactics toward policy
advocacy efforts, but policy change requires endurance
and a sustainable effort. How do advocates view the pro-
cess of changing policy, and what strategies do advocates
use to achieve those changes? This book answers these
questions while contributing to the body of knowledge of
policy change and helping practitioners to learn from
their broader community of advocates. This book pro-
vides guidance on how nonprofit organizations can draw
from various tactics to plan long-range strategies that
account for potential short and long-term outcomes. The
book includes stories of how advocates apply strategies

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