Nonprofit fellowship winners for 2004-5.

PositionBureau News - Brief Article

Four NBER Fellowships for the Study of Nonprofit Institutions were awarded to faculty members and four to graduate students this spring.

The Faculty Grants went to: David Card and Enrico Moretti, both of University of California, Berkeley, for a project on how location of corporate headquarters affects the geographical pattern of corporate donations to nonprofits; Antonio Rangel, Stanford University, for work on the "neuroeconomics" of charitable giving, with a particular emphasis on how the immediacy of benefits from a charitable activity affects physical responses and consequently donor behavior; David H. Reiley, University of Arizona, for a study evaluating the success of direct mail versus other fund raising strategies carried out in a quasi-experimental setting by several public radio and public television stations; and Jonathan S. Skinner, Dartmouth College, for research on differences between for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals in terms of the speed with which they adopt medical innovations.

The Student Awards went to: Martha Bailey, Vanderbilt...

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