Noblesville: the Hamilton County seat has location, money, and a lot more people than a decade ago.

PositionNoblesville, Indiana


The Hamilton County seat has location, money, and a lot more people than a decade ago.

If you knew the Noblesville of 10 years ago, you would not recognize the Hamilton County seat today.

Major change has been sparked by the presence of Morse Lake, a 1,500-acre reservoir built by Indianapolis Water Co. Lakeside housing subdivisions have created a population boom. In 1980, Noblesville had 12,000 residents; today, more than 18,000 people call it home.

"When you look at the agricultural beginnings, the industrial base, the established downtown and tourism opportunities, you realize we have quite a bit," says Janet H. Neighbours, director of the Noblesville Department of Community and Economic Development.

Location and money are two of the things that Noblesville has. Downtown Indianapolis is about 25 miles from Noblesville. And according to U.S. Census figures, Noblesville's population--mainly in the 35 to 50 age group--amasses large amounts of disposable income compared with other cities.

Housing prices reflect the economic diversity of Noblesville's population: Homes range from $45,000 to more than $500,000. More than 150 houses were built in 1990, and according to city planners, nearly 575 more are promised for this year in five new subdivisions.

Noblesville's top employer, Firestone Industrial Products, once practically controlled the city economy. When Firestone's sales slowed, Noblesville's marketplace generally was depressed. Firestone's ranks have fallen from a high of 1,600 employees in 1962 to about 300 today. Now the economy is much more diversified. A long list of new businesses that manufacture items such as aquariums, cheesecakes and eyeglass lenses now cope with growing pains, despite a recession on the national horizon.

Hamilton County-based businesses employ about two-thirds of the area's population. The rest commute daily to Indianapolis, according to statistics provided by local real-estate agents. Within Noblesville today, the largest employers include a Kraft General Foods distribution center; International Multifoods, which makes frozen specialty foods; and Industrial Dielectrics Inc., a maker of plastic electrical insulation. Each employs about 250 people.

In addition to being a place to live and work, the Noblesville area is a place to visit. Deer Creek Music Center, a 17,000-seat enclosed amphitheater along Indiana 238 near Interstate 69, drew 400,000 people to 45 shows between May and September last year...

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