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PositionNews with humor - Brief Article

A Dollar Short

From an article in the Nebraska newspaper Grand Island Independent on a woman named Sherri LeGrand: "LeGrand was fined $169 in May after her guilty plea to a reduced count of disturbing the peace. But when she sent her daughter to deliver the check on the June 29 deadline, the amount was a dollar short.... LeGrand said she spent more than two-hours in a holding cell until a staff member realized the warrant was for $1. Jailers then took up a collection to pay LeGrand's fine, and she was released."

Impersonating an Actor

From a wire service article in The Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, on a New York man who allegedly made and sold fake police badges: "Elliot Sash, forty-four, was charged with eleven counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument, one count of criminal sale of a police uniform, and one count of unlawful use of a police uniform.... Sash did have another career--he has appeared as an extra in the television show Law and Order. His role? A police officer."

Singing Cowboy Saga

From Pioneer Planet out of the Twin Cities: "Fritz Herring, a seventy-three-year-old barbershop-quartet member and independent singing-telegram deliverer, spent twelve hours in jail Monday after Hennepin County sheriff's deputies caught him going into the Government Center dressed as a cowboy with a fake metal revolver strapped into a holster filled with dummy bullets. He was supposed to deliver a birthday song to a supervisor.... `They thought I was deranged, and that I was coming in to kill a,judge,' Herring said. `I said the gun was a dummy. And they kept asking questions about my mental health, if I'd ever been in an insane asylum, if I was on medication, or if I had thoughts about suicide.'"

A Terrible Thing to Waste

From a New Scientist blurb published in the New Internationalise. "The U.S. is developing land mines that move around to avoid the crews that clear mine-fields. The self-righting mines will detect the distance to their neighbors using ultrasonic sensors and communicate with each other via radio. If some mines are removed or destroyed, the remaining mines will sense that they are missing and move around until they form a regular pattern."


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