PositionLucia Pinochet, the daughter of ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, objects to there father's human rights violations trial; the mayor of Forrest City Arkansas objects to citizens drinkign beer n their front porches; these and other stories are covered - Brief Article

Authority Figure

From a news service article that appeared in the Nevada Appeal of Carson City, Nevada: "The daughter of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet called attempts to extradite her father to stand trial for human rights abuses `a great injustice.' ... Lucia Pinochet was quoted by the Spanish daily ABC as saying that she had come to Spain because she wants to `understand' the events surrounding a Spanish judge's attempts to prosecute her father. `It would seem that we had returned to colonial times when sovereignty was not respected," she was quoted as saying. She also took issue with those who characterize Pinochet's seventeen-year regime as a dictatorship. `It was not a dictatorship; it was simply an authoritarian transitional government to improve the country, and that's what he did,' she said."

Public Swill

From an Associated Press story datelined Forrest City, Arkansas: "The mayor here says he is tired of driving down the street and seeing folks sitting on their front porch drinking beer. So Mayor Larry Bryant wants the police department to issue citations for public drinking. `If I can drive down the street in my vehicle with my child and see people drinking, they should be stopped,' Bryant said. `To me, if I can see them, it is public.'"

Nightmare in Red

From the Environmental Compliance Alert, a bimonthly newsletter geared toward keeping executives of companies abreast of air, water, and waste issues: "Nobody wants to face a panicked public when you release an accident scenario that clearly marks a `death zone' around your facility and neighboring community. But that's exactly what you'll have to face if you merely do your minimum duty to file a Risk Management Plan (RMP) with local officials. That RMP requires you to dream up the worst accident that could happen at your facility and offer a detailed plan on how you would contain such a nightmare. And, literally, you have to draw a red circle around your site map showing the death zone radius in case of a toxic gas release like chlorine."

Model Models

From a story in The Wall Street Journal on the use of the virtual model "Webbie Tookay" from a new division at the Elite modeling agency called Illusion 2K--Virtual Models and Actresses Management: "As an animated mannequin, [Webbie Tookay] will pose for Web and print fashion shoots, advertisements, and films.... `Suppose someone hires a regular model to perform in a TV ad. They have to hire a hairdresser, a makeup person...

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