The Power of Prayer

From a Time magazine article on Republican Presidential candidate Gary Bauer: "Calling for `Kingdom Impact Across Our Land,' prayer partners are to plea that `the campaign team will lack gossip and false testimony. The Holy Spirit will protect the Bauer Team from deception and misperception.' On another day, they will pray that `Gary will be protected from the fiery darts of opponents, the media, and opposition groups. Pray the financial, volunteer, exposure, [and] credibility blocks in the campaign will be removed.'"

Sensitivity, Tailhook-Style

From a New York Times article on the Navy's steps to restore ties with the Tailhook Association, eight years after sexual assaults and drunken harassment disgraced the service: "Tailhook's president, Lonny K. McClung, a retired Navy captain and pilot, said the association had gotten past the scandal, shifting the focus of the conventions from socializing to informal seminars, and moving the site from Las Vegas to the more subdued surroundings of Sparks, which is near Reno. He also said the group now encouraged wives and family members to attend by offering seminars geared toward their interests. `We've had color coordination seminars for the wives,' McClung said. `We're trying to improve our image a bit.'"

Ventura's Take on Tailhook

From an Associated Press article on Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura's recent interview in Playboy: "The governor, a former Navy SEAL who spent time in Southeast Asia in the early 1970s, said he couldn't condone what happened during the Tailhook Association's conference in 1991.... But he said he understood it. `These are people who live on the razor's edge and defy death and do things where people die. They're not going to consider grabbing a woman's breast or buttock a major situation. That's much ado about nothing.'"

Tao of the T-Zone

From an article in the Los Angeles Times on cosmetics maven Christina Carlino and her three-year-old skin-care line called Philosophy: Carlino "is in a new phase of her life--one that emphasizes inner, not outer beauty.... A moisturizer is called `hope in a jar,' a sunblock is `complete me,' an. enzyme scrub is 'deeply superficial,' a wrinkle cream is `help me.'"

Green Targets

From a report in High Country News out of Paonia, Colorado, on two wilderness advocates from Escalante, Utah, whose home was vandalized: "Tori Woodard and Patrick Diehl came home to find the windows and doors of their house smashed in and...

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